英会話備忘録:英会話フィーリングリッシュ・ 即レス英会話・基礎英語

即レス英会話54:Either is fine.

2020.09.02 14:00

おもてなし 即レス英会話 9月度

Either is fine.:どちらでもいいですよ。

📝 冒頭の会話より

A:Shoukd I give this one to you? OR can I take home with me?

B:Either is fine

C:I think I'll take it my home !


Brandon:Thank you for everything, Sanae.


Kayla:I'm really glad we came to your work shop.


Sanae:I'm happoy to hear that


Brandon:By the way, did your students make those origami cranes ?


Sanae:Yes. Some students gave me their first origami cranes. There are very special to me. Every crane is unique, and my students made these cranes with love and care.

➡:ええ。初めて作った折り鶴をくれる生徒さんがいるのよ。私にとってすごく特別なものなの。どの鶴も一羽一羽個性的だし、 みんなが真心を込めて作ってくたものだから。

Kayla:Should I give this one to you? Or can I take it home with me?


Sanae:Either is fine.


Kayla:I think I'll take it home with me.


Brandon:I'll give you mine, Sanae. And next time, I'll make an even better one !

➡:僕は早苗にあげるよ。次はもっといいのを作ってみせるよ !

Sanae:Sure, that's fine. Please come again anytime.


🔻🔻 即レス英会話 キーフレーズ解説 🔻🔻

Either is fine:どちらでもいいですよ


《 either は代名詞で「どちらでも」》という意味です。There's tea or coffee. You can have either と言えば「紅茶かコーヒーはありますけど、どちらかお好きなほうをどうぞ」という意味になります。また、either は形容詞として後ろに名詞を置いて、「どちらの~も」と言うこともできます。Either color is fine は「どちらの色でもいいです」Either date is fine with me と言えば「どちらの日でも私は大丈夫です」となります。 

✅ ハリーとアリサの会話

A:Which bracelet do you like? Red or blue?

B:Either color is fine

Q:What would you like for dinner tonight? Plemium quality steak? Or otoro sushi?

Alisa:I'd like both.

Harry:Sensei, either is fine.

Q:Which would you prefer? A 100 yen cake made by a world-famous patissier? Or a 10,000 yen cake made by Alisa?

Harry:I think I would like the 100 yen cake.

Alisa:I take my own cake.

✅ 即レス英会話 フレーズを使ってみよう

A:That hits the spot! Oh I forgot to say the chicken karage here is a best. Sorry, sorry, Do you take your karage with or without lemon?

B:Either is fine

A:This tenugi towel is especially popular with our customers.

B:Oh I see.

A:A most popular one is acutually the orange one however the green one is pretty popular too.

B:Which one should I get for Takayama sensei.

C:Either color is fine.

B:Well, Sensei always wear lot of a green, right? So I'll take the green one.

A:That's set all done.

B:When should we have our next meeting

A:Good point. Let me have a look over next Tuseday or Friday would be good for me. What about yourself?

C:Either date is fine with me.

A:And yourself Alisa?

B:Either date is fine with me too but, can we make it a video conference ?

🔊 発音ジム 🎵

Either color is fine? ― 「Either」と「イーザー」と発音しますが、イギリス英語は、ei~をアイと発音することが多いので「アイザー」と発音します。どちらも間違いではありませんので、Either にはどちらの発音もあることを覚えておきましょう。

🔷🔹 即レス英会話 フレーズ備忘録 🔹🔷

I'm happoy to hear that:それを聞いて嬉しい/そういって貰えて嬉しい

Every crane is unique, and my students made these cranes with love and care:どの鶴も一羽一羽が個性的で、生徒たちが愛情を込めて作ってくれました。

⏩ Every crane is uniqueで「すべての鶴が個性的だ」という意味です。生徒たちが作ってくれた早苗にとって特別な折り鶴なので「一羽一羽が個性的」というニュアンスになります。with love and careで「真心を込めて」という意味になります。

I think I'll take~:私は~すると思う/しようと思う

even better:もっとうまく/さらに良い

that's fine:それで構いません/いいですよ



pretty popular:かなり人気
