Ameba Ownd


心地の悪いゾーン|Uncomfortable Zone|2020/09/09

2020.09.08 23:24

歳をとると心地いいもの、悪いものがはっきりしてくる。心地の良い仲間、心地の良い話題、心地の良いお店。自分のわかることばかりなので、辛い思いをすることもない。その範囲の中で事足りれば、わざわざ心地の悪い思いもしたくない。何を言っているのかわからない世代、価値観が異なって話が噛み合わない人々、心地の悪い時間、美味しくないお店。しかし同質性の中にいると次第に世の中の変化が分からなくなる。どんどん視野が狭くなり、新しい発見も少なくなってくる。さぁムーミン谷から出て冒険に行こう。 (絵と文:サカキテツ朗)

As I grow older, I know what is comfortable and uncomfortable. Pleasant friends, pleasant topics, pleasant restaurants. I don't have to worry about it because it's all I know. I don't want to feel uncomfortable if I am satisfied with the range. I don’t want to talk with generations who don't know what they are talking about, people who have different values and disagree. I don’t want to get uncomfortable times, uncomfortable restaurants. However, I will not know the change in the world gradually when I am in the same nature. My view is getting narrower and new discoveries are becoming less frequent. Let's get out of the Moomin Valley and go on an adventure. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki