英会話備忘録:英会話フィーリングリッシュ・ 即レス英会話・基礎英語

即レス英会話56:Good for you.

2020.09.08 14:00

おもてなし 即レス英会話 9月度

Good for you.:よかったですね。

📝 冒頭の会話より

A:Tonight, I finally did it !

B:Good for you.


Daniel:Manga cafes are so nice ! The floor is covered with this mattress. It’s so comfortable. And so soft ! It’s like leather. Isn’t it great ? 


Aki & Chad:Yeah !


Daniel:Hey, look at this. When I came to Tokyo, I wrote ten goals for my first year here.


Aki:Those are you goals ?


Daniel:Yeah. I’ve completed nine of the ten goals. And the last one is...


Chad:Go to a manga cafe.


Daniel:Exactly ! Tonight, I finally did it !


Aki:Good for you. That’s really fantastic. Isn’t it, Chad?


Chad:Um, yeah, definitely !


🔻🔻 即レス英会話 キーフレーズ解説 🔻🔻

Good for you:よかったですね

Good for you は相手の努力が報われたことを聞いたときに「良かったね/よくやったね」と相手を褒めることのできる定番のフレーズです。イントネーションによって相手に対して、嫌みや皮肉的な言い方になるので気を付けましょう。第三者を褒めるときにも使うことができます。

A:I hear that Sarah passed the Japanse test.

B:Good for you.

✅ 即レス英会話 フレーズを使ってみよう

A:Sorry to keep you waiting. I finally got my drivers lisence.

B:Good for you.

A:I would take you out for a drive if I could, but I just need more practice.

A:This is the result of my audition. Wow! Yes! I've got a role in a movie!

B:Good fo you!


B:Who do you play?

A:I secret agents.

A:How did you do on today's test then. I got a 99.

B:Good for you.

B:Hey. I’d too.

B:What a coincidence !

A:Whatever really. I'm going to beat you the next kanji test.

C:C:Kanji isn't my strongest point...

🔊 発音ジム 🎵

Good for you ― 「Good 」と「you 」は強く高く長くはっきりと。それ以外は弱く低く短くあいまいに。

🔷🔹 即レス英会話 フレーズ備忘録 🔹🔷


nine of the ten goals:10個の目標のうち9個

role in a movie:映画の役

I'm going to beat you:やっつける・叩きのめす