∈hotstar Beauty and the Beast (2017) Full Movie Watch Online Dailymotion
Brief Cursed to be a Beast (Dan Stevens) until a beautiful maiden loves him, a Prince lies under a coat of thick, brown fur in his lonely castle with only his enchanted servants to look after him and keep him company. When a young village girl named Belle (Emma Watson) comes in search of her imprisoned father, Maurice (Kevin Kline), the Beast takes her in his place. Over time, Belle sees beyond the furry coat and she befriends him. The two spend long days together in the snow and the sun and gradually they fall in love. Belle must love the Beast before the last petal falls, but when it falls, she must find a way to get to the Beast before it's too late cast Dan Stevens, Emma Watson countries USA Audience Score 255513 vote Writed by Linda Woolverton, Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont 129min
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