primewire Doctor Sleep [2019] Google Drive Mp4
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Release Date=2019
Years following the events of "The Shining," a now-adult Dan Torrance must protect a young girl with similar powers from a cult known as The True Knot, who prey on children with powers to remain immortal
director=Mike Flanagan
Casts=Rebecca Ferguson, Ewan McGregor
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The scariest part was when the screen turned black and i could see my own face...
If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog. br>
There's this misconceived idea that "scary movies" are the ones with demons, monsters, or ghosts literally showing up in jump scare sequences, one after another, accompanied by an extremely loud sound. Granted, we're scared of what we're scared of. No debate here. However, one common complaint about this type of horror films is that they aren't "scary enough. I couldn't disagree more. These movies are the ones that truly get to us and stay with us for a while. If we watch a film with cyclical jump scares, we're going to forget about it as soon as we leave the theater. Movies with a horrific story, based on relatable themes, those are the ones that leave us uncomfortable and disturbed. I'm just writing this "prologue" to say that you shouldn't go in expecting a "scary" film. At least, not in a mainstream way. Moving on. br>
As you probably know by now (if you don't, check out my The Shining's review) I'm a huge fan of Stanley Kubrick's adaptation of Stephen King's novel of the same name. It's a cult classic horror movie, one that influenced generations to come, especially regarding filmmaking techniques and equipment. With that said, Mike Flanagan had one of the toughest jobs of 2019. Not only did he need to deliver a sequel worthy of being associated with a beloved classic, but he had to deal with all the differences between the source material and Kubrick's changes. I'm going to leave a SPOILER WARNING for The Shining since the film came out 40 years ago, and I already wrote a review about it. Still, SPOILER-FREE for Doctor Sleep, don't worry.
In case you don't know, the major difference between King's book and Kubrick's cinematic adaptation is the ending. In the book, Jack Torrance forgets to relieve the hotel boiler's pressure, and it explodes, destroying the hotel and killing Jack in the process. In Kubrick's movie, Jack freezes to death in the maze outside the hotel while chasing his son, while the hotel stands tall. Flanagan is able to do the impossible: he perfectly continues the story left by Kubrick while respecting King's "demands. Just don't go with a "purist" mentality, thinking that Flanagan doesn't have the right to explore and expand "the shining. It's a sequel, so expect things to be added to the story (nothing is removed or retconned, so relax. As long as it makes sense, be always open to new ideas.
As the director, Flanagan proves once again he's a pretty talented guy by seamlessly recreating some of The Shining's most iconic scenes, but also by delivering some tricks of his own. With the help of his amazing cinematographer, Michael Fimognari, they are able to generate incredible levels of tension, characteristic of the original film. As the editor, he puts together everything remarkably well. The sequences inside someone's mind are wonderfully handled and provide some of the best moments of the entire movie. However, there's a massive difference when it comes to how the runtime flows in each film.
Both cross the 140-minute mark, and both purposefully employ slow pacing. Nevertheless, The Shining feels like it goes by way faster than Doctor Sleep (and mathematically it does have less 5-10 minutes, but that's not the point. Why? Due to Kubrick's movie constantly having long takes and extense dialogues, while Flanagan's installment has a modern approach with regular cuts plus much more action. Audiences presumably won't think of this (it's not like the "average Joe" notices or even cares if a scene has been going for 5 minutes straight or pieced together with 50 cuts) and just assume that the latter is more boring than the first without really understanding why.
People will probably blindly blame the story, but Doctor Sleep has a lot more "blockbuster entertainment" than The Shining. The latter is pretty much two hours spent inside a hotel where dialogue is the primary source of entertainment (things only go crazy in the last 15-20 minutes) and we all know that the general public usually doesn't fall for that. The sequel has a lot more action, subplots, and characters, so the runtime should go by faster than the original, right? No. This film is the number one proof that I'm going to use from now on to defend that uncut dialogue sequences and overall long takes are the best way of managing an extended runtime without it feeling too "heavy" especially in a psychological horror flick.
I wrote all these last paragraphs not to complain about the movie's being too slow, too long, or too dull. I'm just trying to help everyone understand why the film might feel slower and (much) longer, while protecting its story because the screenplay is indeed extremely well-written. Like in the original, exposition is handled beautifully with scarce lazy displays, but it's the characters of Ewan McGregor and the debutant Kyliegh Curran that carry the narrative effortlessly. McGregor is the perfect casting as Danny Torrance, and he does a great job of embodying Dan's personality. However, it's Danny's journey through his young and adult years that impresses me.
Exceptional character development! Danny's life after the events at the Overlook Hotel is as realistic and logical as it could be. Flanagan does a phenomenal job in handling this character and throwing just the right obstacles in his path. The way he deals with the aftermath of The Shining, how he grows up as a man, and even what he ends up doing for a living, everything is absolutely perfect. Furthermore, he's not alone. Abra is a badass young girl who wants to use her "shine" to protect others, but this time it's the actress that steals the spotlight from the character. Kyliegh Curran delivers one of the best young acting debuts I've ever witnessed. She's wonderful as Abra, and her range of emotions is already surprisingly vast.
She has some of the best scenes of the movie, especially when she's "fighting" Rose the Hat, but here is where we get to my major issue with the film. Rebecca Ferguson gives an outstanding performance, no doubt about it. She elevates infinite sequences, giving 200% to her role. However, her character and The True Knot group are the only significant flaw of this sequel. When writing a villain, there are basically two paths for success: either make the "bad guy" a compelling character with whom the audience can create some sort of empathy with and understand where he/she comes from, or turn him/her into a menacing, powerful, scary force that makes us fear for our heroes.
Flanagan apparently chooses the latter route, and unfortunately, it's his only misstep. I don't know if King didn't allow for changes to Rose or The True Knot cult, but they don't quite work when adapting to the big screen. Not only their history is never truly explored, but their motivations are too shallow, so I didn't care for a single character from the group, not even Rose. If she was the "menacing, powerful, scary force" that I wrote above, this wouldn't be so important, but the truth is she isn't. As the narrative progresses, there's a constant reminder that our heroes are in danger and that Rose is astonishingly strong, but the interactions between her and Abra prove the contrary. So, I never really felt frightened or overwhelmed by her.
A decent portion of runtime is handed to Rose's group, but its development didn't work for me at all. They're not bad villains, and they're still more fleshed out that a lot of characters in horror movies. I just think something's missing. Nevertheless, that's the only major problem I have with the movie. For true fans of The Shining, the countless references and Easter Eggs are such a delight (there's good and bad fan-service, the one present in this sequel only appears after we are already invested in the story and its characters, demonstrating once more Flanagan's talent. From the haunting and addictive score that The Newton Brothers are able to seamlessly adapt to the sequel to the influential Kubrick's framing, Flanagan and his team produce something pretty extraordinary having in mind this is a sequel to one of the most beloved horror films of all-time.
In the end, Doctor Sleep might be the first sequel/remake/reboot/whatever to a cult classic movie that doesn't diminish the original, disgracefully copies it or takes something away from it, while actually being an individually great film with a captivating narrative and compelling leads, plus the right amount of homages to the classic. Mike Flanagan took the impossible task of balancing both Stephen King's The Shining and Stanley Kubrick's cinematic adaptation, and successfully nailed pretty much everything regarding the connection between the main stories. In addition to the slow pacing not working as well as in the original, The True Knot group is the big stumble in an otherwise pretty consistent screenplay. However, the phenomenal cast (with a terrific debut performance from Kyliegh Curran) elevate every scene, ultimately driving the sequel to a nostalgia-full ending that will turn out to be divisive among fans. I stand on the good side. Therefore, I genuinely appreciate this movie. If you're a fan of the original, you can't miss this one.
Flanagan is such a gifted storyteller. FoundFlix uploads, I like, then watch. HELL IN THE FORM OF SOLITUDE. I would like to see the doctor But he is sleeping Plus. I'm going to DIE. Pirate Bay Doctor Sleep. WATCH Doctor 2020 ONLINE HDQ… Doctor Free Download Read more there [Doctor Sleep] DoctOr Sleep eNG sub... THEY WERE PLANNING A SEQUEL TO DOCTOR SLEEP. Until the box office numbers came in 😭😭😭 I wanted to see so much more from this world! This movie Deserved to make at least 300 million at the box office.
I watched it and let me tell you, 10/10 movie. my new favorite horror film! it talks a whole new aproch spoiler warning so heres a summery for those who arent gonna watch it, there are these group of people (the girl in the top-hat is the leader) and they basically eat shinning, they kill people with the shinning and when a shiner is killed there shine turns to a mist and those people breath it in, so the little black girl has crazy shinning, i mean like reeeeeally powerful shinning. the top-hat lady wants to smell her shinning considering there are very few with shinning left. they end up doing a plan that works but doesnt and they end up having a final fight in the hotel. over the years danny put his monsters in little mental boxes and for the final fight he basically opens all the boxes sending all the monsters from the hotel at top hat girl.(the one hes having the final fight with) this is a kinda trash summary i do recommend watching watching the real movie back and back with the original. i feel the only reason the movie didnt get enough attention was because they did a bad job advertising so please watch it.
CARNAGE : In Tijuana.
Who is here after watching Doctor Sleep
Can you please do a carnage count for Terminator: Dark Fate (2019. 1:11 General Kenobi. 😂blame it on the al a ahahah Alcohol LOL sorry had to say it. I think Jack Torrence was just a man with protruding character flaws which left his soul vulnerable to the dark malevolent demonic forces lurking throughout the hotel. He had a drinking problem which manifested into violence against his own son which in turn manifests into guilt. Also he was a struggling writer who took on teaching jobs “To make ends meet.” In short, a failed husband and father. These vulnerabilities opened the door to the dark forces who manipulated him.
I search a content for sleeping and it turns out I found this Not bad... This reminds me of this indie film I saw once called the shining. Jack is just a consolation prize. Danny is the real object of desire. The hotel wants Danny because he has “A great talent.” Holloran has the shinning too but hes too old and wise to be manipulated. With Danny however we have a child traumatized by the things Tony shows him and this makes him vulnerable. Fortunately Holloran assures Danny that the shinning is a gift, not a curse, then warns him by establishing boundaries (room 237. Ironically, the hotel ends up taking Holloran in the end.
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