heimareka's Ownd

xmovies8 Unhinged 2020 Watch HD Full Movie Online For Free Streaming

2020.09.25 17:57

5053 vote / Cast=Jimmi Simpson / Unhinged is a movie starring Russell Crowe, Caren Pistorius, and Jimmi Simpson. After a confrontation with an unstable man at an intersection, a woman becomes the target of his rage / genre=Action / year=2020 / Directors=Derrick Borte





Although the story could have been better, it had too many flaws. The 911 operator blew off the call, large city but cops can't respond to a woman who is being chased by a crazy road rage demented driver, no one calls the cops when a person is murdered in a busy restaurant. The list goes on and on. Russell Crowe has moved to B or Even C movies. Not worth theater prices. Wait 2 months and it will be on free tv channels.

Read the 10 star user reviews and you get the drift. Misoginy seems to be in fashion again. Quite a few of the people who gave it a 10 star review (the people who seemingly get a hardon from these kind of movies, you actually can tell from their excitement) feel the need to point out that they do think the bad guy (Crowe) is "wrong" in his actions (ultraviolence. however. they also "understand" him. The movie was clearly made to appeal to this crowd. Just like the Death Wish series. All about justification for vigilance and ultraviolence. A lot of people (presumably men) get VERY excited indeed by watching an "annoying" woman get "what she has coming for her"
Unhinged is a sickening misogynistic bucket of puke that nobody needs.
It will probably pay the rent for Crow for a couple of years so lucky him.
Totally typecast role not demanding anything from Crow other than giving mean looks with a straight face throughout the movie. The plot is more hole than plot.
All hinging on misoginy and over the top violence.