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1337x Dunkirk (2017) Movie Download In French

2020.09.26 22:37

/ directed by Christopher Nolan / UK / story In 1940, during the Battle of France, four hundred thousand Allied soldiers have retreated to Dunkirk. Tommy, a young British private, is the sole survivor of a German ambush. At the beach, he finds thousands of troops awaiting evacuation and meets Gibson, who is burying a body. After a German dive-bomber attack, they find a wounded man. They rush his stretcher onto a hospital ship, hoping to remain aboard, but are ordered off. The ship is sunk by dive bombers; Tommy helps another soldier, Alex, out of the water. They leave at night on a destroyer, but it is sunk by a U-boat. Gibson saves Tommy and Alex from the sinking ship, and they get back to the beach. With only a single, vulnerable mole available for mooring deep-draft ships, the Royal Navy requisitions civilian vessels in the U.K. that can get to the beach. In Weymouth, a civilian sailor Dawson and his son Peter set out on his boat Moonstone, rather than let the Navy commandeer her. Impulsively, Peter's teenage friend George joins them. At sea, they rescue a shivering shell-shocked soldier from a wrecked ship. When he realizes that Dawson is sailing for Dunkirk, the soldier demands that they turn back and tries to wrest control of the boat. In the struggle, George falls and suffers a head injury that renders him blind. Three Spitfires cross the English Channel, heading towards Dunkirk / writer Christopher Nolan / 508125 vote

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I had been waiting for Dunkirk from December i saw it at its opening Chris Nolan at his best.Wonderful combination of the soundtrack is cinematography was spot on. Overall,it takes you to another level.I have seen all Chris Nolans movie. And this one is my favourite.I strongly encourage you to watch good luck trying to find this kind of movie from any director rather than him.

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I'm gonna be uploading more of these. I was so excited to watch this. One of the greatest events in history put to film. The director could have chosen a "Longest Day" approach and gone mostly strategic and hit a home run, or he could have gone "Saving Private Ryan" first person and hit a homerun. Instead he chose a middle ground, condensed character, concept that came up totally empty for me.
Having one character that had 3,4... 17 ships shot out from under them was so fake and contrived. Having one character act as the entire leadership chain, equally contrived.
Only reason for any stars is the visuals. I bought the movie the day it came out, watched it once, and put it up for sale on Amazon.

Wehrmacht is the perfect example of a great army led by a stupid

This scene gets me every damn time.

England focused on the Navy and the Air Force. It hopes that France would fight on the land for them. They kept losing land battles in Greece and Singapore losing the army half their size. By the end of African campaign they started to know how to fight on land.

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Bodega bay (2017) movie download in french fries. “The enemy has something to say about it.“ British humour and calmness. Bodega bay (2017) movie download in french translation. Bodega bay (2017) movie download in french polynesia. I have to say Griffin, the animation and voice acting made this video beautiful. I cannot imagine how much time you've must have spent on making this. Super great done and keep going but don't exhaust yourself. The shot where the 109 is in his rearview mirror is terrifying. That whole sequence is awesome. Somehow whennthe sand falls on the more terrifying. This is a Hollywood cartoon, they have to admit that Hitler spared their lives in Dunkirk. Real Hero's those sailors. Big hugs. True Grit. Saint's among Men. Brave beyond measure.

Hardy's performance in the shot when he decides to turn around is so damn powerful. 0:17 the water is going backwards. Bodega bay (2017) movie download in french riviera. Bodega bay (2017) movie download in french full. Bodega bay (2017) movie download in french toast.

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Bruh when I watched it my TV glitched out because of the sound it was so loud my grandfather was a soldier in that war and he survived a bombing like that he said it was so loud he felt like he wanted to suicide. The kid need's to get a man voice,speaking about WWII. Murdering WWII... Notice how they are flying in a close formation of 3. This was the begining of the war, and that was the way they did it, and it stemmed from the first word war and the day of the vintage planes, and was out of date and left them highly vulnerable. The Royal Air Force swiftly changed that when they realised it got them shot down quickly and easily by the German pilots, who called it the formation of fools.

Rolls Royce Merlin engines are truly the greatest sound you'll hear, and the only one you'll want to hear if you are stranded. One of your better episodes! The respect you show for the French and everyone else is marvelous. Great ending as well. Good job. Bodega bay (2017) movie download in french onion soup. Bodega bay (2017) movie download in french translations. What british destroyer is that at 1:59. Bodega Bay (2017) Movie Download in french. Bodega bay (2017) movie download in french revolution.

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0:00 I totally love this rumble, just amazing. Rolls Royce at it's best

I remember watching this scene at the cinema, the aircrafts were so damn loud I was scared. One can only imagine what it would be like to actually be in that situation.

Just the Sound of the ww2 radio's is brilliant

Imagine the prestige you felt at the pub if you made back. English and French were ennemy during 800 years but at the end fought together against new threat. I send a tear hope we still all have the same love. Bodega bay (2017) movie download in french free. Bodega bay (2017) movie download in french joyeux. Dunkirk was so damn good. The last time I was this early, Germany was winning the war. 28,700 rescued. ferry service to larger boats in deeper water. Keep in mind these were CIVILIANS under no contract or obligation to be there or DO anything. Let's also keep in mind that 25% of the civilian 'fleet' were wiped out. Yet, this point is 'romanticized' in the film. I have been in 2 war zones and the best I got from the civilian sector was a bumper sticker that said 'We support our troops. I will take 'romanticized' ANY day.

Bodega bay (2017) movie download in french bulldog. I am a Chris Nolan fan as his movies are always, gripping, far reaching and personal. This was no exception. An instant classic, absolutely absorbing and superb, riddled with plenty of suspenseful moments, multiple aspects, multiple stories and multiple times lines all connecting and impacting in a great tale of historical significance. The use of sight, sound and soundtrack are so well mixed it puts you on the edge of your seat. Stunning cinematography, amazing score and acting. Very touching and moving to watch. It needs to be seen in theaters for the full impact. Bodega bay (2017) movie download in french language.

British army should never have been sent without equipment who sent them. Bodega bay (2017) movie download in french translate. Bodega bay (2017) movie download in french empire.