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Descargar libros para mac TEAMWORK + CD (RICHMOND) PDB PDF 9788466810722 in Spanish

2020.09.27 05:48


Descargar libros para mac TEAMWORK + CD (RICHMOND) PDB PDF 9788466810722 in Spanish


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Descargar libros para mac TEAMWORK + CD (RICHMOND) PDB PDF 9788466810722 in Spanish


Richmond Primary Readers is an original series of 18 titles covering the 6 levels of Primary. The series is fully mapped to the Cambridge Young Learners' Exams and comes with extra teachers' resources. Key features include:

Engaging illustrations using a variety of different styles
Humorous stories which appeal to each age group, with different levels of language
Most stories are original
A picture dictionary is included at the end of each book
All readers have an audio CD to allow listening and reading practice
Worksheets available for all titles.

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