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2020.09.29 12:13

Greta Gerwig

Jo March reflects back and forth on her life, telling the beloved story of the March sisters - four young women, each determined to live life on her own terms

country USA

Cast Saoirse Ronan


Writed by Louisa May Alcott



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Free online little women movie sites.

Little Women has never been my favourite book nor movie in the past but I must admit that when the cast list was released for this remake I could not help but get excited. So with an open mind and a cast I could get behind I gave this film a try and was let down more then I had been in the past. I found the directorial styling less then desirable with the camera work often out of focus, bouncy or rough. Worst of all the cast I was so excited about, as they are all so talented, did not give me the emotion I so craved. I think that bouncing back and forth in the timeline perhaps did not help build that emotional connection that in past renditions made you cry when Beth passed, made you feel for Jo that I just didn't find in this version of the film despite the actors talents. One thing I did enjoy was the fact that Greta Gerwig hit the note on the lack of women's rights and that even the actual author of the book this is based on was forced to write it in a certain manner appropriate for the time period. Due to this saving grace of the ending I have given it a better review then had it not contain that ending. Sadly disappointed in the lack of emotion I got while watching and lack of connection in between the characters.

Little Women with maximum speed. Little Women (4 out of 5 stars.
Little Women is a good coming of age drama about four young girls who are raised by there mother. While they meet a young boy across there street which he befriends with them. As years go by, their love for each other changes as they grow apart and trying to overcome with life changes.
It is a beautiful plot. I liked it more than i thought. These four girls growing up and changing. One wants to be a writer and live free from marriage. Another wants to be a painter. The other wants to be an actress but falls in love early. And the youngest wants to play music. The plot can be emotional with characters facing tough times in life. It does have a feel good ending.
The cast ensemble is great. I love the actors that played there roles. They all did great.
The direction and script is great with the storytelling. It was a little confusing at first with the story bouncing around from the past and present. Which the tone and characters clothing needs to be paid attention too to find out were the story is.
Overall, Little Women is a good film that is worth seeing.

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