Ameba Ownd


APU Beppaper

Beppaper 旅行記!! Part 1

2020.10.02 13:04





 Hey guys! It’s Shunsuke. I went to the sea about 3 times during the summer vacation, so I got a bad sunburn.

 This summer, due to the influence of COVID-19, it's hard to hang out. 

Stay safe together to overcome this serious situation!  

さて、久しぶりの記事投稿!今回のタイトルは…。 Beppaper旅行記!!


 Today’s title is... Beppaper travelogue! 

We went to a place called “Kokonoe Yume Otsuribashi” by driving a rental car. 






 The project that we dreamed of "want to travel with Beppaper members!" has come true!

 In the rental car, we played the recommended songs by the members, talked, and suffered from the map… We were able to travel with a lot of unique members.

 At the travel destination, the members are impressed by the surprisingly vast nature and freshness of the air! We have been impressed with the wonderful scenery hidden in Oita.






What is “Kokonoe Yume Otsuribashi”... 

You can see the magnificent view from the place where is far higher than the Statue of Liberty and the pyramids. Many wires with a diameter of 53 mm are bundled, and it is possible to ride 1800 people at the same time. In addition, it is designed to withstand wind speeds of up to 65 meters and to withstand earthquakes with a seismic intensity of 7. 



You can see the waterfall from above and feel the wind created by nature on your skin.

 In addition to the bridge, there was an observatory and, enjoy the scenery from the window along the way, so there were plenty of things to do.  

次に向かった先は、ベリージュファーム(石窯焼ピザ&肉料理) みんなでお昼ご飯を食べたよ! 





みなさんも行った時には、ブルーベリーも試してね〜! Beppaper一同、お勧めします!

 The next destination is Berryju Farm (Ishigama-yaki pizza & meat dishes) We all had lunch there. 

We ate Quattro cheese and Margherita and it was too delicious. And at this place, the blueberries are also delicious, and you can experience the harvest right next to the cottage.

 I couldn't experience harvesting blueberries on this trip, but I would like to try it next time! 

Of course, you can also eat the dishes using blueberries! When you go there, you should also try blueberries pizza too! All Beppaper recommend it!

  旅行に関して、みんなからのコメントを書いてもらったよ! 一人ずつ紹介していくね〜 

 I got everyone to write comments about the trip. We will introduce you one by one. 



 Hi, it’s Shiho Yume Otsuribashi made me became to want to go to other places in Oita more than before! We can see nature when we go anywhere and it makes my heart calm down. Although I felt chilly, could see the waterfall and the air was so beautiful so that was so a wonderful place! The funniest thing is the walking suspension bridge which is high place with excitement. I want to go a trip with a member of Beppaper again! 


今回は念願のbeppaperメンバーみんなで遠足に行くことができてとっても嬉しかった〜!ドライブ途中で道に迷ってしまったりもしたけど、それもまたいい思い出になりました;) 5人揃って何処かに行くのは初めてだったし、さらにメンバー同士のことをよく知ることができるよい機会にもなって大満足の遠足でした〜 

 Hello~it’s Risa. This was our first time going out together as beppaper and I’ve been looking forward to this field trip so it was so much fun that we finally could do that! We got lost on the way to the bridge but that was one of the good memories I guess;) It has been a very good opportunity to get to know each other by spending time together so I hope we could do this sometime in the future. 


夢大橋もベリージュファームはもちろん、beppaperのみんなで1日一緒に過ごせたのが何よりも幸せでした◎ 久しぶりにみんなに会えて、初めての場所へ沢山行って、美味しいもの食べて・・・素敵な夏の思い出になりました。行く途中にあった湯布院のおしゃれなカフェにも行って見たいし、夢大橋の休憩所で貼ってあった近くの牧羊犬ショーも見にいきたい笑 早く第2弾もしたいなぁ!!みなさまお楽しみに〜〜 

 Hi, I’m Haga. I loved wonderful view of Yume Otsuribashi and yummy pizza in Berryju Farm. I was really happy that I could spend time with our great members after such a long time. I went to these place for the first time, and we had many delicious foods. It’s special memory of this summer vacation. En route to Yume Oturibashi, I found good place like café and I wanna go to sheepdog show near the Yume Oturibashi. I want to visit other place with this member again! 


大分に住んで3年目だけど、初めて吊り橋に行ってきました。歩きながらゆっくり綺麗な景色も見られて、人も少なかったのですごく楽しかった〜 そして、そこで食べたブルーベリーのソフトクリームも、美味しかった、、 そして、メンバー全員で記事を書くだけでなくどこかに一緒に行けたことが嬉しかったです!美味しいピザを食べて、おしゃべりして、ほんと遠足って感じだったよ。やっぱり、みんなで楽しいことや美味しいものを共有するのは幸せだなと思いました!

 This is Mizuki. I’ve been living in Oita for almost 3 years and it was the first time to visit “Otsuribasi”! there were few people so it was good to see around by walking beautiful view and I had so much fun visiting there. I ate blueberry soft serve ice cream at there and it was delicious... Mostly, I was really happy that we (all of the member) could do other things than just writing an article together. Eat good pizza and talk chat face to face was really like short trip. I strongly thought that sharing good things by eating and talking makes people happy! 



 Finally, Shunsuke It was a new attempt to travel with Beppaper members, but it was a lot of fun! Everyone loved to chill out, laughing at the sheep on the poster, and checking out the paths we didn't understand. It was an unforgettable time for me!  




 From now on, Beppaper will be more interesting! 

Also, talk about recruiting new members ...? 

We look forward to your continued support of Beppaper!