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Ficha técnica
- Idioma: INGLÉS
- Formatos: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
- ISBN: 9781907061066
- Año de edición: 2009
Descarga gratuita de libros electrónicos gratis INTERACTIVE SPINE: CLINICAL EDITION (DVD-ROM) 9781907061066 de
This title supercedes Interactive Spine. We are pleased to announce a new release of Interactive Spine: Clinical Edition. As well as a new interface and programming that reflects current operating systems (such as Vista and Mac X.5+) we have also refreshed the 3D anatomy views and given it extra functionality. View the spine in detailed 3D with this teaching, training and reference tool. 3D models include all individual anatomical features of the entire vertebral column and spinal cord - choose views of the enire spine or focus on cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral regions. Peel away over 20 layers of anatomy from skin to bone and rotate the model at any stage to view and identify any anatomical structure. All structures have accompanying text and links to additional images and video clips including labelled dissections, annotated illustrations and clinical slides. Detailed and labeled cross section anatomy can be viewed in 3 planes and compared with equivalent MRI in up to 20 slices.
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