Ameba Ownd


Shikoku 88 temples Pilgrimage 四国霊場八十八ヶ所 巡礼 道しるべ

N0.58. Sen-yuji 作礼山 千光院 仙遊寺

2016.08.01 06:54

されいざん せんこういん せんゆうじ

Established on latter half of AD 7C, 創 建: 七世紀後半

483, Bessho-Kou, Tamagawa-cho, Imabari-shi, Ehime

〒794-0113 愛媛県今治市玉川町別所甲483

TEL: 0898-55-2141

< From previous temple No.57 Eifukuji>(前札所より)

< From nearest traffic base> (最寄りの交通機関から)

<Niohmon  仁王門>

Located in deepest temple in the mountain-side in Imabaricity, butmanypilgrims are visiting.

Parking fee are requested to pay in every temples in Imabari city.



<Main Temple 本堂>

<Daishi Temple 大師堂>

Ancient Buddhists worshipped Buddha's foot mark.
