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John Carpenter, Jeff Fradley /
Release Date: 2018 /
Genre: Thriller /
Average Rating: 7 of 10 /
Directed by: David Gordon Green
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So to start off, if you're a fan of the first film and the whole slasher type genre then you're gonna enjoy this film a lot. As many of you know this film is a direct sequel to the first film and the first film alone and the plot is (without spoilers) that Michael Myers has been captured and held in a prison for roughly 40 years while Laurie Strode has been recovering mentally from what had happened on Halloween night 40 years prior to. Now to cut this review nice and short, this film is a great horror/thriller/slasher movie but why is that? Well first of all it takes all the iconic scenes and stereotypes not only from Halloween but from them classic horror flicks, for example the font and the title sequence is almost identical to that of its original right down to how grainy and d the font and screen looks. Now what makes this film such a great horror film is that it builds suspense almost throughout the whole second half (Not long after he obtains his mask back) and it does this by NOT doing everything horror films are doing in this day and age which is forcing a jump scare upon its viewer, for example The Nun was horrific, it had no plot, not characters that were interesting and most of all it tried to force jump scares every 2 minutes so it becomes boring and obvious. Now Halloween 2018 builds this amazing yet scary suspense by almost recreating classic horror scenes such as not showing you the deaths of some characters, if you literally go to watch people die constantly not only is that kind of creepy but you're missing the whole point of the film and it's story. By not showing you how the characters are killed off, not only is this a call back of sorts to its predecessor but it also gives you that creepy vibe and the fear of not knowing what happened that really gives you a scare. It's not gore porn (especially the first half) it's simple stabs, knocks and thuds but it's the way you don't see the character that really gives it that classic horror vibe which a lot of the Halloween sequels were missing, it's the reflection in windows, the heavy breathing and the slow yet somehow scary movements from this character that really shine and make you appreciate the first one all over again. When the second half does kick in and you get finally get some on-screen horrific kills which some gore it shocks you because for the first half you don't really get it so when you finally see this happen you get shocked which sets your scare meter off again so the film keeps giving throughout by constantly adding something that will keep you on the edge of you or seat wondering. What was also great about this film and if you're like me you'll hate this in other films but it's the fact that you hardly ever see Michael properly, and by properly I mean full focus JUST Michael. If you look at films like the Sinister films, the first was quite scary in my opinion because you don't really know what this thing is or looks like you just catch glimpses of it and then the sequel was the complete opposite and you constantly see the characters and children so you're therefore not as scared? Well this film does it in a great while that again calls back to the original, you see shots of Michael walking from a side angle or from behind but hardly ever see him full on so you're again in that fear of the unknown state of mind and that's what makes the jump scares when they do eventually pop up, even more terrifying. Unlike most horrors these days the first time you think you're gonna encounter a jump scare isn't actually a jump scare but more of a build up to a jump scare if you'd rather, and the film while do this quite a lot so you prepare yourself to be scared or jump and then it doesn't happen, rather it builds tension and carries on doing this throughout a scene and then it happens and you do genuinely have a bit of a jump which is another reason I loved this film. Overall I would highly recommend this film and it's a great direct sequel to the original and everything about it screams slasher.
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