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日本庭園       The japanese gardens

「青隆寺」鹿児島県・”Seiryu-ji temple" Kagoshima-ptef.

2020.10.17 10:57

「青隆寺」鹿児島県・”Seiryu-ji temple" Kagoshima-ptef.


◼︎名称:真言宗 不動山「青隆寺」


◼︎TEL: 0993-26-2306


◼︎参拝・見学: ¥500


◼︎:アクセス 公共の交通機関はありません。自家用車かレンタカーで。カーナビに未登録の場合も、その際はグーグルで検索してください。

”Seiryu-ji temple" Kagoshima-ptef.

The Shingon sect "Seiryu-ji" in Ibusuki City is a new temple that opened in 1990, but the entire precincts are set up as a Japanese garden. The planting of subtropical plants gives the impression of a tropical garden. Inheriting the tradition of "Sengan-en", a huge mountain lantern is arranged, and the exotic element is placed in the garden by extending the chinoiserie, which was a tradition of the Satsuma domain in the Edo period, to India. .. The temple covered with gold leaf is the Golden Pavilion in Kagoshima. It may be shocking to you, because such a sense is a matter of taste. However, it may be positioned as a Japanese garden that is typical of Kagoshima, which had a bird's-eye view of the world from the southern tip of Japan during the period of isolation. And the expression of the garden of this temple is very wide and very diverse, and it can be said that it is a garden of a modern temple that is dynamic as opposed to the tradition of ancient temples. I think that the garden of this Seiryu-ji temple should be visited together with the Sengan-en garden and the Chiran samurai residence gardens in Kagoshima prefecture.

◼︎ Name: Shingon Buddhist Fudoyama "Seiryu-ji"

◼︎ Address: 1874-9 Komaki, Ibusuki City, Kagoshima Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 0993-26-2306

◼︎ Published: 9: 00-5: 00

◼︎ Worship: ¥ 500

◼︎ Parking: Free

◼︎: Access There is no public transportation. By private car or rental car. Even if you have not registered in the car navigation system, please search on Google in that case.