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2020.10.18 16:38

Directed by - Shawn Levy. 2 Hour 7 m. Rating - 7,7 / 10 star. USA, India. . Creator - John Gatins

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“I got it I got it!” One second later “I dont got it!”

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Çelik Yumruklar 2011 Full Movie Watch Online free online. Girl: hits me. You can't hit a gi- Me who believes in gender equality: 2:29. This movie came out in like 2011 and the cgi is still as good as todays movies. Lmao I Just saw the final fight For the millionth time and noticed it says XBOX 720 in the background.

He spited juice. Haha. C3 87elik yumruklar 2011 full movie watch online free custom. C3 87elik yumruklar 2011 full movie watch online free chevrolet. Çelik yumruklar 2011 full movie watch online free movies full. C3 87elik yumruklar 2011 full movie watch online free c4. Çelik yumruklar 2011 full movie watch online free movierulz. Çelik Yumruklar 2011 Full Movie Watch Online. When this flick ended the only thing that would cross my mind was "at least it was not the worst way to spend 2 hours of my life. coming to rethink of it though, i can't recall of any worse.
arguing with some civil servant over bureaucracy to get some paper issued is actually more fun.
let's see what i can recall of this film to justify my point.
1. the father; a 35+ y.o ONCE-talented boxer who ALMOST won to the world champion.
a. decides to take on robot-boxing at which he SUCKS yet he still gets to fight. b. has a relationship with his trainer's hot daughter. NO WAI! c. repeatedly loses money yet he still gets to spend more(wanna know how. got jealous at this point) d. has abandoned his ex-gf when pregnant and now she's dead decides to sell the custody of his son to the boy's rich aunt (life's a bitch :P) but he still gets to keep the boy temporarily for some lame reason.
2. the son; dislikes his father at first (but why. br> a. has a flair at playing video-games, hence controlling fighting robots (the movie's point not mine) b. believes the 40 y.o robot he finds for his father at some junkyard has potential (seriously. more than that, he comes to believe that the robot has a soul (yep. c. reprogrammes the robot (most 11 year olds actually do that, no biggie. at 11 i reprogrammed a satellite)
3. the trio (father-son-robot) win fights, get admitted to the world championship and ALMOST win the fight to the most advanced robot EVER made and manage NOT to get wasted from round 1 'cause as foretold the robot's got a soul (my 1996 Cyrix can beat your i7 EASY, apparently it has more SOUL)
4. they all live happily ever after and the whole world loves them (you didn't expect that did you?
there have to be even more clichés which i refuse to recall.
god i seriously need to somehow delete those memories from my brain. any 11 y.o. interested in doing that for me? can't be hard. can it?
point taken.

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