Ameba Ownd


Shikoku 88 temples Pilgrimage 四国霊場八十八ヶ所 巡礼 道しるべ

No.73. Shusshakaji 我拝師山 求聞持院 出釈迦寺

2016.08.03 23:59

がばいしざん ぐもんじいん しゅっしゃかじ

Established on end of Nara ~early Heian Era,

創 建: 奈良後期?平安時代前期

1091, Yoshiwara-cho, Zentsuji-shi, Kagawa

〒765-0061 香川県善通寺市吉原町1091

TEL: 0877-63-0073 

<From previous temple No.72.曼荼羅寺>

There is a uphill a little bit in front of main gate.


< from nearest traffic base>

There is a main gate in ahead, and inner sanctuary at the top hill of 

small mountain backsaide.


< Main Gate 正面門 >

<Main Temple 本堂>

<Daishi Temple 大師堂>

Viewing Seto-Inlandsea 瀬戸内海を望む