Ameba Ownd


Shikoku 88 temples Pilgrimage 四国霊場八十八ヶ所 巡礼 道しるべ

No.79. Ten-nohji 金華山 高照院 天皇寺

2016.08.04 00:05

きんかざん こうしょういん てんのうじ

Established on AD 729-749, 創 建: 天平年間(729?749)

1713-2, Ten-noh, Nishinosho-cho, Sakaide-shi, Kagawa

〒762-0021 香川県坂出市西庄町天皇1713-2

TEL: 0877-46-3508 

<From previous temple No.78. Gohshoji> (前札所より)

No.78. Gohshoji to JR Utazu St.  24min by walk.

JR Utazu  to JR.Yasoba           23~28min

JR Yasoba to No.79. Ten-nohji  6min by walk.

< From nearest traffic base> (最寄りの交通機関から)

Tennoji is a very rare temple, where shrine is built next to the temple.

Emperor Sutoku has been enshrined here. Red gate is shiny in the Sun light.




< Main Gate 正面門 >

< Shrine area  神社部分 >

<Main Temple 本堂>

<Daishi Temple 大師堂>