movie4k™ Watch The Godfather Online For Free
Duration: 2 h, 55 Minutes
directors: Francis Ford Coppola
actor: Diane Keaton
story: Michael, the young and idealistic son of Vito Corleone, the head of the most powerful Mafia clan in New York, returns home as a war hero and is determined to live his own life. But tragic circumstances make him face the legacy of his family
Average Rating: 9,2 / 10
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This concert is not personal. It's just business
The godfather movie. Here the translation from Sicilian to English: Sollozzo: I am sorry. Michael: C'mon. Sollozzo: You have to understand that what happened between me and your father was just a business affair. I respect your father. But your father is still old fashioned and you have to understand that I am a man of honour. Michael: Stop telling me those things. I know that. Sollozzo: You know. You have to know that I have helped the Tattaglia family and I think that you both might find an agreement. I want peace. Just let forget about all that shit. The godfather 5. 3:22 you SCREWED UP a classic scene by making it repeat. The godfather part 2.
The godfather part iii. The godfather: part iii. The godfather part ii 1974. This scene is even deeper when you realize Sonny was the one that introduced Carlo to Connie. The godfather 2 cast. Guess who killed him? Carlo (Sonnys sisters husband. The godfather five families. The godfather 4. The godfather line. The godfather 1. The godfather cast. The godfather saga. The godfatherpolitics.
1:57 How could the guys in the toll booth still be shooting Sonny when he was on the opposite side of the car? And wouldn't they hit their buddies over there who were shooting Sonny straight-on. The godfather csfd. The godfather movie download 480p. The godfather part 3. Sonny was a bad ass aswell. The godfather. The godfather where to watch. This pieces instruments are telling nothing more than A Mafia tale. The instruments are telling a mob boss story to me; by themselves.
Such a classic piece of cinema from nearly 50 years ago.
The godfather part ii.
Nerd trivia: The building facade used for this scene is that of the Federal Reserve Bank on Maiden Lane in Manhattan, just a block or so away from Wall St.
The godfather restaurant san diego. Just missing tessio and carlo. The godfather 3. Just finished the series 🙌 Loved Al and deniro and every single characters. Happy to know that more and more people are started watching deniros and Al Pacino's movies from this generation... truly addictive Movie love💌.
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Did he really thought he would get away with beating up his sister
The godfather stream. Since a lot of people are asking why Sonny bites him, Ill explain: in the book Sonny isnt just angry-he is out of his mind with rage and the instant Carlo sees him jump out of the car, he goes into a state of shock. So even as Sonny pounds him Carlo clings onto this rail so at least that way Sonny cant work him over limb from limb, and Sonny get so frustrated he bites Carlos hand trying to make him let go. Ultimately Sonny calms down and leaves Carlo a wreck in the street, humiliated-which is the reason Carlo rats him to the other families. A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man. My favorite quote of Don Corleone. The godfather. The godfather: part ii.
The godfather epic. The godfather movies. The godfathers. The godfather coda. The godfather theme. We take rent hikes very seriously in New York. The godfather trilogy. The godfather 2. The godfather 1972. The godfather ost. The godfather greene. The godfather morristown nj. Did the cat win an oscar. Thats why his death was so hurtful, cuz he was on his way to beat him up again.
I played this to my cat. He is itaLion now. Word on the street is that Coppola has sold the rights to George Lucas to do re-issue the trilogy as a Special Edition which will improve the flaws of the films. Apparently in this scene Sollozzo will shoot first followed by Michael exclaiming say hello to my little friend followed by shooting Sollozzo. As long as there's a CGI dinosaur in front of the restaurant, i'm happy. The godfather trailer. If any of these actors would have said I take responsibility it would have broken my heart frefo. The godfather pc.
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