yesmovies Free Online Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Movie To Watch Now

2020.10.22 05:32

1073733 votes; ; Year=1980; Carrie Fisher; summary=Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back is a movie starring Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher. After the Rebels are brutally overpowered by the Empire on the ice planet Hoth, Luke Skywalker begins Jedi training; Directed by=Irvin Kershner

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Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back is often described by movie critics and fans as the best Star Wars film of all time. It is undoubtedly a film of its own class.
However, I think that this film contains very lengthy and boring sequences, especially in the middle of the film, such as the Dagobah and Bespin scenes. Viewers who are watching this film for the second or third time may find these scenes to be rather long and boring, as they already know is going to happen later on in the film. Many people think that 'The Empire Strikes Back' is the best of the original three, but I still vote the original higher. Still, for a film without a real beginning, middle, or end, this one is darn good.
Frank Oz' puppetry really reached an apex in the early 1980s, with films like 'Dark Crystal' and 'Empire.' No wonder Yoda made the cover of Time magazine (as Star Wars did several times. The original Yoda is much more whimsical and playful than the 'earlier' Yoda of Episodes I-III. He toys with Luke while dispensing vaguely Confucian wisdom. The facial articulation is very good, and there is a certain palpable reality in physical special effects and good puppetry that the later digital Yoda just did not quite reach; besides the fact that Oz was obviously instructed by Lucas to keep it more serious.
Then there is the Oedipal turn the story takes: Luke, I am your father." I was actually surprised in 1980 when I saw this, and over the years I have gone from judging it corny to a masterstroke. It's probably both. For those who saw Star Wars pre-1980, it's clear that this was not the original plan. Interestingly, George Lucas has done some cleaning up of older movies to conform to the later canon (all but cutting a Luke-Leia kiss in the original that was just not quite brotherly-sisterly enough) but left a lot of it alone, like Obi Wan providing minimal explanation for his 'subterfuge' in the original Star Wars movie. Like in a good Charles Dickens novel, everyone turns out to be related to everyone or have met the person who did the thing who helped the other who. br> Other than Yoda and that revelation, the story that takes Luke from ice planet Hoth to be trained by Yoda and finally confront his Dark Side in the form of his father for the first time, does not have too many exciting turns or characters. Calrissian was planted in it for political correctness as a Han Solo scoundrel duplicate (I'm grateful though because Billie Dee was a pretty good scoundrel. Han literally gets frozen while Lando takes over for a while, as though there's not room for two of them.
Still, I have to give it an 8. It is skillfully crafted for a middle piece, and Lucas really honed his special effects magic some more since the first installment. It's as enjoyable to see now as in the 80s, and its lower density special effects are almost prophetic of what is to come again: special effects that serve the film, not the other way around.

Free Online Star wars: Osa V - Impeeriumi vastulÃÃk 1980 Movie To Watch now playing. Outstanding follow up to the original "Star Wars, with Luke Skywalker learning the ways of a Jedi Knight, while Darth Vader awaits a battle with Luke as he sets up Han Solo and Princess Leia. Amazing in the technical department once again. Unmatched. Unforgettable.

