横浜レインボーフェスタ2015 ホストホテル決定

2015.07.25 03:27

横浜レインボーフェスタ2015実行委員会(共同代表: 木村 サスケ、坂本 奈緒子、神長 衛)が主催する「横浜レインボーフェスタ2015(YRF2015)」では、同イベントのホストホテルとして横浜ベイホテル東急が確定、アウトアジアトラベル (東京都北区)にて8月より受付を開始します。




ホストホテル宿泊に関するお問合せ info@outasiatravel.com (アウトアジアトラベル)

The Host Hotel for Yokohama Rainbow Festa 2015 has been decided!

Yokohama Rainbow Festa 2015 (YRF2015), organized by the Yokohama Rainbow Festa 2015 Committee (represented by Sasuke Kimura, Naoko Sakamoto, Mamoru Kaminaga), has appointed Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu as the event’s official host hotel. Bookings will be open from August through Out Asia Travel in Kita-ku, Tokyo.

The event, which will be held over the two days of Saturday October 31 and Sunday November 1, will be an advocacy event to promote awareness towards LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community members. Its aim is to realize Yokohama City into a city of true diversity.

There have been many cases seen in foreign, mainly European, nations as well as some cities in Japan where promoting understanding and support for LGBT people have attracted many visitors and created economical value for local businesses.

We believe that the inclusion of Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu into this project will be a huge step forward as the newest example of how Yokohama City can be developed as a community through LGBT values.

Information on Host Hotel accommodation info@outasiatravel.com (OUT Asia Travel)