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- Adventure
- Summary: In Earth's future, a global crop blight and second Dust Bowl are slowly rendering the planet uninhabitable. Professor Brand, a brilliant N.A.S.A. physicist, is working on plans to save mankind by transporting Earth's population to a new home via a womhole. But first, Brand must send former N.A.S.A. pilot Cooper and a team of researchers through the wormhole and across the galaxy to find out which of three planets could be mankind's new home
- directed by: Christopher Nolan
- release year: 2014
- Jessica Chastain
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I, personally, am a super big fan of sci-fi movie and this one is one of the best sci-fi movie I have ever seen. If anyone of you hasn't seen this movie, you better go. You wont regret it. Christopher Nolan was telling us so many things through this movie, one thing is humans are thinking about exploring the universe while they are not even taking care of their own planets.
The movie really motivates me to read and study more about the black whole, 3 or 4 or 5 dimensions theories. I love how Christopher Nolan explained the black whole theory and how can time be quantitative. for us it might not be touchable, for some other beings in the Universe, it might just be like hill to climb. it sounds so strange to our current knowledge, but it might be true and its just because we don't understand them yet.
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Some Spoilers: This turkey is so bad, that I would almost demand my money back. For a movie that takes itself way too seriously, there are more holes in the plot than you can count. Scenes go on way too long, this movie should have been cut in half and it would not have lost anything. The dialogue is stilted, Anne Hathaway is the Queen of over-acting, the music is too loud and very little of the story line makes any logical sense. The ending is just downright silly for a movie that pretends to take the subject of quantum mechanics seriously. And then right smack in the middle of the movie it introduces Matt Damon, then halfway through his time on the screen his character does a 180 degree flip and then BAM, he is bumped off. The only redeeming quality of this movie is a really cool robot and a scene of a time/space dimension that is really well done. Other than that, I would be hard pressed to give this movie a 2 out of 10. Perhaps 1.5 would be more accurate.
Flora's Letter [2014] Google Drive.