dokokiken's Ownd

キwatchseriesサ 21 Bridges 2019 Full Movie Dailymotion

2020.10.26 08:12

  1. brief: 21 Bridges is a movie starring Chadwick Boseman, Sienna Miller, and J.K. Simmons. An embattled NYPD detective is thrust into a citywide manhunt for a pair of cop killers after uncovering a massive and unexpected conspiracy
  2. Country: China
  3. duration: 99 Min
  4. release Year: 2019
  5. Directors: Brian Kirk
  6. Creators: Adam Mervis

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city- and if you HAVE - well then shame on you even more.
Chadwick tries valiantly to act through your poorly written cardboard cutout - He is the only reason I stuck with it and he deserves to keep his superhero status even if he was just doing this for a paycheck-
Speaking of superheroes. br> I'm all about my suspension of disbelief for a DC superhero bat movie shutting Manhattan down-
That's a fantasy movie- it has a dude dressed up a BAT
But you guys expect ANYone to believe you could ever ever shut NYC down? Sorry dudes - no way- maybe you guys live in LA and were thinking - ooooh bridges, tunnels subways ferries- you can shut them down right - and then you ever show it because I think someone working on the film was a New Yorker - I can JUST see the Treamsters and other film union workers absolutely rolling their eyes the entire time on set- Again- paycheck time for them and don't wanna rock the boat but seriously - did NO ONE working on this film tell you two that your premise was reallllly bad?
It's such a further insult to have your bad guy run from 13th street in MePa to the east side and 23rd street in 5 mins
I'm not even going to go into the other goofs and general silliness of unbelievable dredge of your predictable plot
The producers that put into this are pretty darn gullible
Let them know I have a bridge I'd love to sell them.

21 bridges chadwick boseman. 21 bridges 2019. This is a great flick when nothing else is tempting. It's not that bad, but not great either.
It's old school cop versus robbers and it works. But other that that, it wants to be more layered than it really is. You'll guess the plot and accomplishes pretty quick.
But see it for what it is. 21 bridges wikipedia. 21 bridges putlocker. 21 bridgestone. 21 bridges showtimes. 21 bridges subtitle. 21 bridges movie.

Hocus Pocus