英会話備忘録:英会話フィーリングリッシュ・ 即レス英会話・基礎英語

即レス英会話19:I feel the same way.

2020.10.28 14:00

もっと伝わる 即レス英会話 10月度

I feel the same way:私もそう思います。

📝 冒頭の会話より

A : What time does your daughter go to bed ?

B : Staying up late is OK sometimes, but I think getting enough sleep is important for kid’s health.

C : I feel the same way


Asami : Bettina, what time does your daughter go to bed ?


Bettina : At 9 O’clock. How about yours ?


Asami : My daughter goes to bed at 9*30.


Jessica : I want my son to go to at 9, but he usually stays up until 10 or 10:30.


Bettina : Staying up late is OK sometimes, but I think getting enough sleep is important for kid’s health.


Asami : I feel the same way. Good sleep is also important their mental health.


Jessica : Lately, kids are so busy. They have a lot of homework, and they always want to play video games !


Bettina : That’s true.


Jessica : Oh ! it’s already 4 o’clock ! I have to go home and make dinner.


Asami : Thanks for coming over today.


Bettina : Thank you for having us.


Jessica : Yeah, thanks.


🔻🔻 即レス英会話 キーフレーズ解説 🔻🔻

I feel the same way:私もそう思います

the same way は「同じように」という意味の副詞で、I feel the same way は直訳すると「私もおなじように感じます」となりますが、相手の意見に賛成したり、同情するときに使われる定番のフレーズです。この表現の feel は「意見をもつ」といったニュアンスになります。How do you feel about their proposal ? と言えば「彼らの提案についてどう思う?」となります。その意見に反対をするときは I don’t feel that way となります。

How about gyoza ? と聞かれて I feel the same way だと少し受け答えがおかしい感じなります。例えば、Gyoza sounds delicious. How about it ? や I feel like eating gyoza などと言われたら I feel the same way と答えると自然です。

✅ 即レス英会話 色々な言い回し

I feel exactly the same way.

I feel the same way, too

✅ 即レス英会話 フレーズを使ってみよう

A : I'm looking for a new apartment. A reasonable rent is important, but safety is a must !

B : I feel the same way.

A : Of course. That means… I'd need ten security cameras.


A : You know what? Having drinks online like this, It's OK, but I wanna see you real life.

B : I feel the same way.

A :Oh, you do? OK. Stay there, I'm on my way.

A : You know what? Harry forgot our anniversary. A good Husband shouldn't forget such a special day....

B : I feel the same way.

A : He even forgot for my birthday. That's terrible, right?

B : I feel exactly the same way.

C : Hi there guys.

A : Oh, It's him...

C : Alisa, do you remember? That is my birthday today. 

🔊 発音ジム 🎵

I feel the same way ― 「 feel ・ same・ way」は強く高く長くはっきりと。

🔷🔹 即レス英会話 フレーズ備忘録 🔹🔷

Staying up late:夜更かし

⏩ stay up には「(夜遅くまで)起きている」という意味もあります。

・Do you stay up?:起きてる?

・staying up all night:夜更かし


come over:訪ねてくる

a must:必見/必須/必需品

You know what ?:あのさ/ねぇ聞いて