Are you sensible ?-英語って実は奥が深い
***please scroll down below, there is an English translation****
ここでタイトルにもあるsensibleです。辞書で意味を確認すると、分別がある、賢明であるとか、とても前向きに使われる言葉なんですが、英国にいた際に会話の中ででてくるsensibleがこの元々あった意味で使われていないことに、気が付きました。例えば、オンラインデートでマッチングしてデートにいった友人に、どう?デート楽しかった?聞いても、too sensibleしかかえってこず、何をいいたいのかわかりませんでした。本当の意味はboring or dull.で、デートしててもつまんない男だ、といいたかったようです。正にイギリス人らしいジョークで、つまない男と直接いわずに、オブラートをかけて人を揶揄していることに、唖然。
My English teacher who I respect often say that there no King Road to study English.
I think he is over 70 something,, but he still works for NHK to dictate English news and put it Japanese translation. He is very hard working person, but you might be surprised to see him his appearance is unexpected. He still takes English lesson with a native speaker and reading the same current book together and the teacher has to answer all single questions from him. it was tough lesson as native told me one day very secretly. Then, my English teacher takes online English conversation lessons with Philippine female and young teacher. he taught her about new happening around the world. he really enjoying learning English and he said its is his hobby.
I do agree with my teacher, the way of input and output procedure makes people to speak a different language. It also shows continuity makes power. its really hard if you choose the vocabulary which you are not interested in. Please find it which stimulates your curiosity or inspire your life style. I would like to the reason why I picked up the word of sensible.
According to the dictionary, the meaning of sensible has a very positive image,
it says that vey wise or understanding good thing or bad thing. However, I realized that the world has not been used through dictionary in talking to my local friends in the UK.
She went on a date from online date system. When I asked her when she went home, How was your date ? She replied to me
its too sensible which makes me so confused. I asked another native friend when I came back to Japan. he replied to me that too sensible means dull or boring. Then, I realized that was an ironic joke not to describe the personality not directly. I want you understand the vocabulary has not always come from the meaning of the dictionary. its came from our culture sometimes.
with my classmate from the republic of Azerbaijan
My classmates from the Republic of Azerbaijan
he was posh and so elite banker.
with another classmate from Brazil . he was very kind and friendly gay friend.