Ameba Ownd


Pair rings for your anniversary item

2020.11.12 03:51

Many couples came to our shop to make pair rings in October as well.

We would like to introduce couples who made pair rings for their anniversary.

Pair rings to commemorate your anniversary ...

When couples search the internet for something that remain in shape for their anniversary item, they think, "Oh! Pair rings might be good."

Thinking 'If we can experience making a ring by ourselves, we would like to try making a ring", they make a reservation for our ring-making session.

Rather than just buying a ring,

you can choose the material, width, shape, surface pattern, etc. and experience one of the ring making processes.

It seems that this is one of the reasons why our "ring making experience" is so popular.

Various length of dating periods

Some couples have been dating for three years while some for only one month.

The majority of couples are those who  make pair rings to commemorate their one-year anniversary.

Regardless of the period, every couple starts the session with a strong desire to make pair rings and this feeling can be felt by our support staff.

When we see how the experience is being enjoyed, we are really happy to be doing this job. We are extremely grateful to the many couples who give us this happiness.


The exprience of taking part in the ring-making process yourselves make the pair rings all the more precious.

Customers will experience texturing the pattern of their choice onto the surface of the rings using a hammer going "bang bang bang"

Many couples exchange rings with each other and the pattern is textured onto your partner's ring.

When we watch the couples during this process, we feel that they are not only hammering in patterns but also "love" for each other at the same time.

We hope that you will find this experience wonderful because you will be more attached to the completed rings since you have taken part in the process of making it.

Helping to create happy memories

We give the couples photos taken during the session to take back together with their pair rings.

We try not to miss the best moment such a photo of the couple concentrating on hammering in the patterns or a photo of your big smiles when you receive the completed rings by pressing the shutter at the just-right moment.

Every  day we are delighted to be able to help you create your precious memories.

We are filled with gratitude to everyone who chose itoaware's rings as their anniversary item.

Please come again on your next anniversary.

Our support staff members are looking forward to welcoming you.

#いとあはれ #itoaware #Ringmakingexperience #Pairring #Commemorativering

#OsakaPairring #RingMakingOsaka #Nakazakicho #リング作り体験 #ペアリング

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