Ameba Ownd


aya-kobayashi-manita 's 翻訳 Try It ! ~pupils with heart~


2020.11.14 19:20




強くなれる理由を知った 僕を連れて進め

泥だらけの走馬燈に酔う こわばる心

震える手は掴みたいものがある それだけさ

夜の匂いに 空睨んでも

変わっていけるのは自分自身だけ それだけさ

強くなれる理由を知った 僕を連れて進め


消せない夢も 止まれない今も



世界に打ちのめされて 負ける意味を知った


稲光の雑音が耳を刺す 戸惑う心



水面下で絡まる善悪 透けて見える偽善に天罰

tell me why, tell me why, tell me why, tell me why!

I don't need you

逸材の花より 挑み続け咲いた一輪の花が美しい

乱暴に敷き詰められた 棘だらけの道も



簡単に片づけられた 守れなかった夢も

紅蓮の心臓に根を生やし この血に宿ってる

人知れず儚い 散りゆく結末

無情に破れた 悲鳴の風吹く

誰かの笑う影 誰かの泣き声



消せない夢も 止まれない今も



世界に打ちのめされて 負ける意味を知った



now I know the reason why I can get strongness

so you should go with me, I will be with you.

my disgraced memories, those are like dirt, awakes one after another and puzzles me. so my heart beccoms rigid

I have something that I want to gain with my trembling hands. That is all.

although I smell the air during the dark night and try to stare at the sky,

that  is only me who can change myself, that is all.

now I know the reason why I can get strongness

so you should go with me, I wll be with you.

no more to say about it!

I have a dream that I can not abandon, and I can not stop me now.

I can appriciate the sorrow if the strongenss is for somebody.

I knew the meaning of loss as the world is too severe to live.

oh a red lotus flower! bloom now brilliantly! please show me my fate.

I hear the piercing noise of lightning, and my soul is confused.

I used to be just a kind man but now that is not enough to save something.

I know it very well already. 

goodnes and evil are intermingled seacretly in the unconcsiousness.

I would see a visitation against concealed hypocrisy.

tell me why, tell me why, tell me why, tell me why!

I don't need you

the life of continuous facing is more precious than the born talented life.

I would be able to get over the violent thorny path because that is prepared only for me who is earrnest.

they broke my dream easily. I could not protect it once. 

but the experience is living in my heart which is as if a core of a red lotus flower. 

it grows and I remember about that with my blood.

the frail life will be end by death even though nobody knows about you.

that is lost heartleslly and the wind blows like a scream.

the shadow somebody laugh. the voice somebody cry.

hapiness is what everyone wish.

no more to say about it!

I have a dream that I can not abandon, and I can not stop me now.

I can appriciate the sorrow if the strongenss is for somebody.

I knew the meaning of loss as the world is too severe to live.

oh a red lotus flower! bloom now brilliantly! please show me my fate.

please show me my fate.


 そもそも、蓮華とは - 泥(俗世)に生まれるがその泥沼の濁りに染まる事なく大輪の花を咲かせる(悟り)事から、仏教においては、清い美しさの象徴とされるらしい。




 実際、主人公の炭治郎も、鬼舞辻無残により家族を殺され、妹を鬼にされ、一度は"敗ける“のである。しかし、それが、新しい人生の始まりだった。「ありがとう 悲しみよ」という歌詞にあるように、闘いの始まりは、新たな生への扉だったのだ。
