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⁽fmovies⁾ The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Download In French

2020.11.21 09:31

countries - USA / Average Rating - 8,7 / 10 Stars / Runtime - 180M / Cast - Jonah Hill / Writed by - Jordan Belfort / release Date - 2013

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This movie is just a bunch of "meh." It tells the story of Jordan Belfort robotically. It has neither enough funny moments to make it a comedy, nor depth to make it a drama.
I think of Leonardo DiCaprio's role in "Catch Me If You Can." Another con artist movie. There, the main character's motives were developed, you saw his struggles.
In Wolf of Wall Street, they just cover what happened. Not WHY. I get zero insight into the characters. One of the first things they teach you about writing is "show, don't tell." This movie is all tell.
I have no idea why this movie even exists. There are so many interesting stories to be told about this situation - the movie manages to capture none of them.
