WHERE’s MOUSSY BUS?#MOUSSYBUS (日本・香港・マカオ同時開催)キャンペーン
8/1(SAT)より、2015 AUTUMN & WINTER CAMPAIGN VISUAL公開を記念&成田空港初出店・9/18(FRI)THE SHEL’TTER TOKYO 2F OPENを記念して、MOUSSYバスの運行を開始いたします!バスは、毎日渋谷駅・新宿駅を発着とする都営バス2台と、成田⇔都内を結ぶ高速リムジンバスの1台が運行いたします。
WHERE’s MOUSSY BUS? #MOUSSYBUS(日本・香港・マカオ同時キャンペーン)
2.@MOUSSYOFFICIAL もしくは @moussy_sly_hk から投稿したMOUSSYバス画像をご自身がお持ちのInstagramまたはTwitterにてリツイートしていただいた方
■抽選・審査期間 10月1日~10月9日 / 当選連絡 10月13日~10月23日※変更の可能性もございます。
1.5名様 2.30名様(ご連絡に1週間ご返信・応答がない場合は当選が無効となり、再抽選は行いませんのでご注意ください。)
Celebrating our new visual for 2015AW, MOUSSY Narita Airport POP store opening, and MOUSSY Exclusive Store opening on 2F of Shel’tter Tokyo on September 18th (Fri), MOUSSY BUS will run in Tokyo (to/from Shibuya and Shinjuku) and between Narita airport and Tokyo!
Find the MOUSSY BUS in Japan, take a picture and post it on your instagram! First 5 people will get JPY30,000 or HKD2,000 cash coupon! Don't worry if you are not in Japan. You can check @MOUSSYOFFICIAL or @moussy_sly_hk, repost the picture of the MOUSSY BUS and 30 lucky winners will get 50% off coupon! For more detail, check out our website!
Application period
From August 1st (Sat) to September 30th (Wed)
Find the MOUSSY BUS, take a picture and upload on your Instagram or Twitter, hashtag #MOUSSYBUS
Repost the picture of MOUSSY BUS from @MOUSSYOFFICIAL or @moussy_sly_hk to your Instagram or Twitter account
Winner selection period
From October 1st to October 9th
Winner notification period
From October 13th to October 23rd (subject to change)
JPY30,000 or HKD2,000 cash coupon (used in MOUSSY direct store in Japan, MOUSSY store in HK/Macau)
50% off coupon (used in MOUSSY direct store in Japan, MOUSSY store in HK/Macau)
**cash coupon/50% off coupon can only be used once
**no change when used cash coupon
**no points accumulated when using cash coupon/50% off coupon
**valid till November 30th (Mon)
Number of winners
5 people
30 people
If no reply within 1 week after the notification, the prize will be cancelled.