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openload Watch Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

2020.11.22 05:04

Ratings: 8 / 10. 335191 Vote. Writed by: Sacha Baron Cohen, Peter Baynham. countries: USA. Borat Sagdiyev is a TV reporter of a popular show in Kazakhstan as Kazakhstan's sixth most famous man and a leading journalist. He is sent from his home to America by his government to make a documentary about American society and culture. Borat takes a course in New York City to understand American humor. While watching Baywatch on TV, Borat discovers how beautiful their women are in the form of C. J. Parker, who was played by actress Pamela Anderson who hails from Malibu, California. He decides to go on a cross-country road trip to California in a quest to make her his wife and take her back to his country. On his journey Borat and his producer encounter a country full of strange and wonderful Americans, real people in real chaotic situations with hysterical consequences. director: Larry Charles

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I think it's a lot of fun that this movie either seems to get a 10 or a 1. I can totally understand it. You either get it or you don't. If you take it seriously, you will be offended. However, if you are willing to watch the movie realizing that it is exposing people for who they REALLY are (sometimes positive, sometimes not so much) you will probably enjoy it. Yes, a lot of the characters made "fools" of themselves. Some of them I felt a real disgust towards, and to be honest, people with opinions like that deserve what they get. But most of them were sympathetic as well, and I felt that "Borat" not a REAL guy, by the way) treated most of them very nicely.
By the way, here are comments from the sweet Jewish couple that owned the Bed and Breakfast.
"Mariam and Joseph Behar, the proprietors of the kosher bed-and-breakfast, tell Salon that they rented out three rooms to what they thought was a Kazakh documentarian and his film crew. The location had been scouted and photographed, with the Behars' knowledge, prior to the taping. Speaking on the telephone, Joseph, with Mariam chatting in the background, says they saw the film and thought it "was not anti-Semitic at all. It was outstanding. I think (Sacha Baron Cohen) is a genius."
So. maybe sometimes the rest of us are so ready to jump on the "P.C." bandwagon and PROVE we're not racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. that we forget to just relax. Sacha Baron Cohen makes fun of himself more than anyone else, and only people with hate in their hearts come out looking bad. Maybe people who question their own feelings regarding the issues in the film are those who are most offended. The reason it is funny ISN'T because he makes fun of Jews (for example. The reason it's funny is the pure RIDICULOUSNESS of a person who would actually act that way and say those things in public. You laugh at the ignorance and idiocy of the man, not because you agree with his statements.
Oh, and btw, the people at the dinner thought it was very funny when they saw the movie, as did the feminists. Even the homophobe at the rodeo wasn't upset with how he was depicted, because that is how he really feels (sad, yes. In fact, the only people who seemed too bothered by their portrayal were the drunk frat boys, and again, they deserve what they get for making those kind of statements.
Finally, the true comic geniuses have never been afraid of controversy. Look at the Marx brothers, Andy Kaufman, Richard Pryor, Bill Hicks. these people always pushed the boundaries. Comedy should be dangerous. That's how it changes things. Comedy requires bravery. True pioneers of comedy push buttons, get under people's skin, and cause chaos and controversy. Thumbs up for people like Cohen. If they disappear, we're left with mediocrity.

Other random recommendation from YouTube, had a great laugh lol.

Its safe to say we can thank this guy for filthy frank

That one kindergartner with the ak47. Watch Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Full Movie Online free download. Azamat's reaction when he stood up was epic. Lawyer: I cant go in there because we are lawyers Everyone: you lying piece of garbage. “I am McLovin” best line of all time.

I was scared that he would kiss his mother too

I was getting scared watching the audience reaction I was scared to imagine what they were seeing is the scariest thing in the world I feel. Well I have seen it and all I can see it has soemthing to do with elephants🤣. Watch Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Full Movie online french. It's clear that cohen's team didn't tell these people that they were filming a comic movie. They were lied and that's why they are angry. Its clear as crystal. They are not that dumb and backward and if they were so, as some commenters here are writing it to be, the villagers wouldn't have come forward to show themselves in the camera. Anyone would be angry if they are made fun of in a movie without their knowledge or permission.

Watch #Borat:CulturalLearningsofAmericaforMakeBenefitGloriousNationofKazakhstan Online Vioz. Watch Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Full Movie Online free online. 1:18 Wow, that's me. I was finally able to afford a clock radio, you bastard. Thats not what we are saying about this man. I need a full tv series of this village. I dont work anymore, i stopped working Me: a very poor choice of words hahaha. I think it's hilarious seeing the reactions. Made my day. 1:31 i love how she laughs at her neighbour being put down as a abortianist. Dude Kazakhs dont look anything like those people. Kazakhs look Asian.

Watch Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Full Movie online free. Watch Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Full Movie. This video did not bring any evidence of trolling or taking advantage of the native village people. The welder said he was told to make some sparks and then wave to the camera but he did not say he was not paid for that.


How did Sasha disguise his Jew claws when playing Borat.


Man, that would be funny if they found out what a class action lawsuit was. Watch Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Full Movie Online. Watch Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Full Movie Online free web. Pretty sure this particular sketch is staged. Watch Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Full Movie Online free.

Watch Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Full Movie Online freedom.

I thought he was Adam Sandler.


If you are not Jewish, kazakhstany and have a pulse you should love this movie. Borat does every thing people wish they could to a does it with an immunity to punishment because the people he is interviewing (whom you can call victims) believe he is a foreigner and does not know any better. his political incorrectness and overall poor taste are a laugh riot. this movie is so chockful of funny moments that when leaving the theater you don't want to repeat them for fear of leaving something out. i have never laughed harder at a movie in my life, and i saw Plan 9 from outer space (inside joke for anyone who has seen that piece of crap. worth watching even if you are a Jewish, retarded, gay, kazakhstany woman who hates America. 10 out of 10.

The audience's reaction made me want to see it.🤣. Is this your homework, Larry.

The real actor that plays Borat is Jewish

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Online. Watch Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of full movie tamilyogi... I never get what the hell they saw but I just saw the clip and that was a bad f* king idea.