小竹先生 追悼記事 〜今までありがとうございました〜
It’s been a while since the last article! It’s Haga~how are you doing?
I’m spending a lifestyle which is like before because practice of rugby has started from November! I’m so happy!
But since infection of COVID-19 has been increasing, take care and let’s do our best!
小竹先生は、APUで「異文化間コミュニケーション」という授業を担当されていた教授です。小竹先生は世界中を旅するのが大好きで、いつも休み期間には色々な国へご旅行されていました。そしてこのBeppaper で長年に渡りその体験を旅行記として書いてくださっていました。以下に小竹先生の旅行記URLを貼っておくので、ぜひぜひ読んでみてくださいネ〜
The article this time is about Kotake sensei as you can see in the title.
I will explain a bit for those who read Beppaper for the first time!
Kotake sensei is a professor of “intercultural communication” in APU. He loves traveling around the world, travels to various countries during every vacation. Then he wrote the experience as a travel report in Beppaper for a long time. I put the URL which is the travel report of Kotake sensei below.
He did wonderful class and was loved by all students, and was satisfied with his life. In september, he passed away in Singapore. So that this time, we collected memories and appreciation in this article. Hope you guys read this until the end!
はがの一番好きな小竹先生の写真〜/ Haga's favorite Photo!!!
◎ 私(はが)にとって小竹先生とは・・・
私にとって小竹先生は、今のきっかけをくれた先生です。小竹先生の開講する異文化間コミュニケーションの授業を受講していた一回生の私は、いつも授業の感想用紙に北海道に関するイラストを書いて提出していました。感想を覚えてくださっていたのか、イラストを気に入ってくださったのか、小竹先生は感想用紙を出す度に「お!今日はとうもろこしのイラストですか〜〜」「今日は何かな〜〜?? これはクマかな? かわいいですね〜」と声をかけてくださり、授業後に少しおしゃべりをするのが授業後の日課になってました。
Mr. Kotake gave me a chance to join beppaper. When I was a freshman, I took his class and I always wrote some pictures such as Hokkaido's food, Hokkaido's symbol. I don't know that he liked my picture or he remembered my report, but he said "Oh~~ today's picture is corn??" "What is this picture~~? Is it bear?? NICE~~~" everytime. I love talking with Mr. Kotake at the end of the lecture.
When I finished the final examination, he called me and he said "Would you like to join Beppaper?? " Thanks to him I met wonderful members and I had a lot of special experiences. I'm very very happy to meet Mr. Kotake. Thank you so much.
◎ 小竹先生との思い出〜カフェテリア〜
One of the fun memories we (Mizuki and Risa) have is that we went to Pacific Cafe sometimes with Kotake sensei and talked with him. Especially when we talked about one of our article series “What are you listening to?”. We told him that we were considering starting the new series, he was excited about it which made us relieved. Now we think probably should have interviewed him as well for the series. It was always fun to talk with him though we did not have that many opportunities to go out for gohankai. He always cared about us, sometimes gave us souvenirs from his trips.
The picture we took on the last lecture day, two years ago
◎ Beppaperメンバーお気に入りの旅行記
I found it interesting the article about freshmen which was uploaded in April. Kotake sensei wrote a lot of articles about his trips but in this one, he showed his thoughts before going on a trip. After reading this, I've got new perspectives by reading previous articles.
Especially, I remember that he wrote "It always feels like the trip I am taking might be the last one before the departure". Maybe he wrote this for freshmen but I assume everyone can feel something through reading this.
先生の記事の中で特に印象に残っているのはこの床屋の記事です。先生の授業ではよく先生流・旅先での楽しみ方を伝授してくださったのですが、その中の一つが現地の床屋さんにいくことでした。私も留学中に髪が伸びて傷んできた時に切りたいな〜って思ってた時期がありました。でもさすがに現地の美容院は怖かったので、日本人の方が経営しているところで切ってもらいました笑 またいつか海外に行くことがあればその時は先生の旅の流儀に従って、現地の美容師さんに切ってもらいたいな〜と思います。他にも、旅先ではポストカードを買って、現地で書いて送るとかたくさんの旅の楽しみ方を教えてくださいました。また旅ができるようになったら先生流の楽しみ方を実践したいです;)
One of my favorite articles by Kotake sensei is the article about his experience at local barber shops whenever he traveled. In his lectures, he always told us about how he enjoys traveling, and going to local barber shops/ hairdressers is one of them. I thought about trying it when I was on the exchange program, but it was a little scary to actually try it out back then so I went to a hairdresser run by a Japanese person. But I would love to try sensei’s way and experience new things like he did if I have a chance to go abroad someday. Other tips from Kotake sensei for having fun wherever you are when you are traveling is to buy some postcards, write something on them and send them to your friends or family. I would definitely try some of his tips whenever we will be able to travel around the world again ;)
My favorite article of Mr. kotake is 『Get married “nice guy” ~What I thought in Boston, USA~』I feel as if I am reading a novel while I’m reading his article but I can imagine what he meant easily. While reading, I thought people like that are often there and could sympathize naturally. I knew that people who interact only with people who they like are in America, because they are also the same human. It might be usual but knowing that made me think that the US where I have never been to, is similar to Japan! Also it was like Kotake sensei is actually saying to me to ``Get married to a “nice guy” at the end, so I hope to meet people who I can have a good impression of! lol
しゅんすけです!わたしのお気に入りの記事は、旅行作家・小竹裕一の〈世界・旅のアラベスク その10 ニューヨーク編〉です! 実際、「ナイスガイ」のブログと迷っていたけど、ニューヨーク編の方が感激したから選んだよ〜!特に印象に残っているのは、一番初めの文章!「ある日の昼下がり、突然一つの考えがひらめいた。アメリカへ行こう!」です。自分も普段から、思い立ったら行動しちゃうタイプで、この一文でものすごく共感を感じたの!でも、日曜に思い立ってアメリカへ飛び立とうとするのは、さすが小竹先生。ということを書いている水曜日。温泉に行こう。そう思いながらわたしは静かに課題に取り組みます。(泣)
Hello!! I’m Shunsuke!! I really like one of the articles by Mr. Kotake’s journey blog No.10. Actually, I had a difficulty choosing the articles which are about [Nice Guys], but finally I chose that topic because of the deep emotion I got from reading it. What I found very interesting was the sentence following [One day in the afternoon, an idea suddenly came to my mind. Let's go to America!]. I'm the type of person who usually acts when I think of it, and I felt sympathy with this article. However, it is Mr. Kotake who thinks about Sunday and tries to go to the United States. It’s Wednesday writing about this. Let's go to the hot springs. With that in mind, I quietly do my homework.
私のお気に入り記事は、みずきさんと同じ新入生へ向けた記事「未知の世界へ思い切って旅立とう!〜2020年度・新入生への熱いメッセージ〜 小竹裕一」です。その中でも特に印象に残っているのは、「外国人の相手と心のふれ合いが生じ、〈ああ、やっぱり同じ人間なんだ……〉と思えるような経験がひとつでももてたら、その人の海外旅行は9割がた成功したといってもいいだろう。」という文章です。異文化間コミュニケーションの時に先生が仰っていた「相手の国籍や肩書きなどのフィルターを取り払い、人間同士の付き合いをしよう」という言葉と繋がっているなぁと感じました。私も相手と接する時は、フィルターにとらわれることなく、正面からフラットに向き合いたいです。
HAGA's favorite article written by Mr. Kotake is the same as Mizuki-san which is a message for freshmen. And I really like this phrase "When you communicate with local people and you feel "Actually, we are the same~~", this trip is a great success for the most part. " When the final class, Mr. Kotake said "Let's get rid of partner's some filters like nationality, title, position and more. Let's associate with a partner with the same perspective, flat." I remember this lecture when I read this article. I think this message is what Mr. Kotake wanted to tell all students the most.
◎ 最後に
心より、小竹先生のご冥福をお祈りしております。 本当にありがとうございました。
beppaper 一同
We hope all of you, not only who have taken his lectures but also many people who enjoyed reading his articles, remember him by reading this article.
I (Haga) still cannot believe Kotake sensei has gone. It feels like I will run into him at the cafeteria or maybe pass each other around the fountain on campus. I would love to talk to him about lots of great memories we have if we somehow could meet somewhere like in heaven in the future. I’d love to talk not only about lectures but many more things! So for that to happen, we all will move on gradually. Kotake sensei, we hope you will be there for us!
May he rest in peace. Thank you so much for everything,