xmovies8 Free Online Interstellar [2014] Movie To Watch Now
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writed by=Christopher Nolan
Duration=169 Min
Movie info=In the near future around the American Midwest, Cooper, an ex-science engineer and pilot, is tied to his farming land with his daughter Murph and son Tom. As devastating sandstorms ravage Earth's crops, the people of Earth realize their life here is coming to an end as food begins to run out. Eventually stumbling upon a N.A.S.A. base near Cooper's home, he is asked to go on a daring mission with a few other scientists into a wormhole because of Cooper's scientific intellect and ability to pilot aircraft unlike the other crew members. In order to find a new home while Earth decays, Cooper must decide to either stay, or risk never seeing his children again in order to save the human race by finding another habitable planet
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Interstellar online.
I walked in to interstellar and for the first time in a good while,I truly didn't know what to expect from the film. I am a big fan of Nolan's work and I had been waiting for months to see this film in full VIP and i must say i was worried, with the over-hyping that tends to surround big films, that i would be disappointed.
I couldn't have been more wrong about this film it made me laugh, jump out of my seat and even made me cry. There where points where I could literally feel my jaw drop.
The visuals where absolutely breathtaking, the music was fantastic, actors performances strong and the story was gripping with twists only Nolan could pull off.
Interstellar isn't without its faults but its refreshing to see a film try something new and exiting in what seems to be the age of corny remakes and prequels. This movie took the cinema experience to a whole new level and had me pondering my existence by the end.
Interstellar could prove itself to be the modern 2001: A Space odyssey, a film thats influences can be deeply felt throughout the film but while 2001 can be seen as more religious experience interstellar tackles the more human aspects of humanity's endeavors and existence in space.
Overall this film is a must see in a full cinema experience and as much as I now await the DVD release(if i don't find myself back in the cinema to see it again) part of me knows it just wont be the same.
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Interstellar review.
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This film tells the story of an ex-pilot in a world full of dust storms. He is chosen to travel to the uncharted parts of the space in search for a new habitable planet.
"Interstellar" is a long film, and the first two hours of it does not seem like a typical Christopher Nolan film. Most of the scenes are (literally) down to Earth, with no fancy visual effects. It spends much time building up the story, telling the story of a father and his daughter who sees 'ghost' in her bedroom. Through this ghost, one thing led to another, and the man is in space. When the film is not down on Earth, it looks more like a disaster film. The first adventure is a spectacular feat involving water. It also introduces the physics of relativity, on how time slows down in another world, leading to a misguided decision of the astronauts in retrospect. This sets the foundation for future plot involving more relativity.
As the film progresses, there is more adventure, both in the form of adrenaline pumping adventure and humanity and integrity testing conditions. Matt Damon's character forms a central subplot that makes me reflect on what lengths would people go in order to achieve a certain goal. It reflects on the reality that people are driven by egocentric instincts. It is not a pretty truth, but it tells that human are not idealistic creatures.
The final half an hour is what a typical Christopher Nolan film is like. It makes me hold my breath because it is so intense, both emotionally and cognitively. The ending gives me inexplicable exhilaration. Things come to a full circle, and it is filled with joy.
It is not a film for everyone, as the story is long and takes a lot of time to build. Two people walked out of the cinema an hour into the film, and someone sitting behind me remarked after the film ended that he opined it was the most boring Christopher Nolan film ever. For me, I enjoyed "Interstellar" thoroughly, because it is emotionally captivating and intellectually challenging.
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