Ameba Ownd



What is a full marathon ?-マラソンの流儀

2020.12.12 14:02

***please check English translation as below, thank you so much***

先週の日曜日は一人で、こそ練30キロをやりに皇居へいきました。たまたま、美しい女性ランナーといた、オリンピックメダリストのエリックワイナイナを発見して「Nice to see you, Eric」声かけをしました。もちろン、彼は私の友人ではありません。私がたんに図々しいだけです。でも、きさくに本人は誰かもわからず、挨拶は返してくれました。




Last Sunday, I went to the Imperial Palace to run in 30k long distance training by myself.

It just occurred to meet up with Eric Wainaina, the professional marathon athlete, accompanying with beautiful Japanese ladies, Personally, I really did not know about him, and neither he was, but I just said to him "Nice to see you Eric" pretending like as one of his friends and luckily, he soon made a reaction to me

Being honest, the 30K training was hard and tough if I had to do alone. One lap of the imperial Palace takes almost 5K. I had to do 6 laps to be able to finish my assignment. The season of from autumn to winter is the great opportunity to strengthen our legs and it gradually  increase stamina. Patience was essential to continue it. Then, I just met Eric again after he finished training. He soon came up to me and started to run together(but only 3 K) Even cool down, Eric was too fast, so I have to increase my pace to catch up with him. At that time, I found his personality  that he was very friendly and very approachable person which I did not expect much.  

Eric then asked me about  my personal best of full marathon. I replied him it was 3 hours 59 minutes when I run in London marathon. He said "OHH it barely safe to reach an under 4 hours runner". YES !! he was really right. I was speechless to explain it after that. 

I have heard quite a lot that Eric tend to run at Imperial Palace for his training. I have never expect to run with him (even with a short distance)last Sunday. He was a great pacer for me to lead the distance, so his momentum encouraged me to run that distance and I was then so relived to finish my training.

Thank you very much for your support and care, Mr. Eric

The image of marathon is recognized as lonely sports to the public, but it does not. 
Marathon is rather group sports, because we belong to a pacer group of our similar speed to run together and we tend to gear up when we reach a last mile away from the group. Or. we learn how to keep our own pace among very fast runners or even slow runners. I do beleive that experience created our own marathon style which brings us the sense of satisfaction in the end. 


with Eric at Imperial palace

He is a really great athlete around the world and he has a great relationship with E Kipchoge, the world record holder of marathon due both came from Kenya

