Martin Garrix×David Guetta「So far Away」の歌声知られる実力派シンガーRomy Dyaを迎えた新曲"Giant Force ft Romy Dya"リリース!
2020.12.17 22:41
YouTube再生数2億回超え、ダンスミュージック界の2大スター、Martin GarrixとDavid Guettaのコラボ楽曲「So far Away」の歌声で世界的に知られるオランダ出身の実力派シンガー・ソングライター、Romy Dyaをフィーチャー。
Features Romy Dya who is the talented singer, songwriter from the Netherlands as known worldwide because of her voice on Martin Garrix' and David Guetta's collaborative song "So Far Away ft.Jamie Scott and Romy Dya."
"Giant Force" features melancholy piano and power synth ,and is perfect for fall and winter with the beautiful and meaningful lyrics full of love.