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2020.12.26 22:07


Libro de audio descarga gratuita en inglés. TEXTBOOK OF NEUROGENETICS 9788479787929 de ADRIANO JIMENEZ ESCRIG


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Libro de audio descarga gratuita en inglés. TEXTBOOK OF NEUROGENETICS 9788479787929 de ADRIANO JIMENEZ ESCRIG


This text constitutes a comprehensive sinopsis of our current knowledge of the genetics on neurological diseases. The book presents the wiews from various disciplines who share a common interest on Neurogenetics. The first sever chapters review basic genetics, from historical aspectcs to molecular genetic tools, the internet resources, and the statistics and software used in research and clinical ground. The remaining fourteen chapters provide valuable information on causes, clinical aspects, genetic diagnosis, treatment strategies and management of the main hereditary neurological disorders. These chapters covers miscellaneous neurological diseases as well as those categorized into groups , review the genetics in each process and provide advice about the steps involved to enable the clinician to make clinical, genetic and differetial diagnoses. Besides the practical nature of each chapter, the book aims help neurologists select the most appropriate test, and interpret the results within the context of the genetic evaluation of hereditary neurological disorders.

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