
牛乳かん 抹茶仕立て Milk agar jelly with matcha

2021.02.01 03:05

牛乳かん 抹茶仕立て

Milk agar jelly with matcha


It's a collaboration with sweet milk agar jelly and bitter and strong matcha sauce.

<作りやすい分量> The best amount

牛乳かん Milk agar jelly


 200cc water


 4g agar powder


 4 tablespoons white sugar


 400cc milk

濃い抹茶 Strong matcha sauce


 For 1 time [Basic matcha sauce]

◇作り方◇ How to make








1. Make milk agar jelly. Pour the water into a small saucepan,

 and then add the agar powder little by little while sieving.

 Heat them, and cook on low heat for about 2 minutes when they come to boil.

 Add the white sugar to them and mix.

 Once they melt, remove from the heat and mix them and the milk together.

 Pour them into a stainless-steel tray and cool them in the fridge.

 It's also OK to use a milk agar jelly on the market.

2. Make the strong matcha sauce (Basic matcha sauce).

3. When the milk agar jelly cool, cut them into cubes and put them on a dish. 

 Pour the matcha sauce over them.