Ameba Ownd




2021.01.07 12:38

The Family of Divine Innocence

Christmas Newsletter 2020




















マザー・パトリシャ    2020年 クリスマス









主の潔白の家族ニュースレター(2020年 クリスマス)p.1〜p.4より

著作権:パトリシャ・デ・メネツィズ(Mica 試訳)

Dear children of Christ’s Divine Innocence,

Greetings from the Nazareth House Foundation. We wish you all a holy and joyful Christmas and wonderful graces in 2021.

Two thousand and twenty has certainly presented everyone with extra challenges. There are those who faced financial difficulties; students are coping with their studies being interrupted, families being separated etc. Through all this so many people have shown how they can go the extra mile through wonderful acts of charity.

There has been the painful disruption of spiritual support such as the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Confession, teaching the faith to the first Holy Communion and Confirmation candidates. What a relief to be able to attend Mass again.

Poorer areas of the world hit with this pandemic are suffering to a greater degree. Where we are able through prayer and alms giving we have the opportunity to help others, while praying that in all countries rich or poor, there will be conversions of hearts and minds to the Way of Christ’s Divine Innocence.

Advent and Christmas are the beginning of the Church’s year. At the end of this unusual year most of us are hoping and looking forward to a new beginning. The true new beginning is the coming of the Christ Child, Divine Innocence, and Christ is the source of all blessings.

One of the gifts we could ask the Lord for is a greater spirit of thanksgiving and to ‘count our blessings’. Someone recently said to me, “There are two ways of looking at things. We can concentrate on gloomy things or we can give thanks for the many blessings God’s providence has arranged for us. “

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says ‘Every joy and suffering, every event and need can become the matter for thanksgiving which, sharing in that of Christ, should fill one’s whole life: “Give thanks in all circumstances” (1Thess 5:18). CCC 2648.

This of course is not easy, that is why we must ask for it in prayer and take steps to practice thinking about what we can thank God for every day, the joys and good things as well as lessons learnt through the grace to endure. Let us ask for God’s grace to make this a daily habit that can transform the way we relate to the Lord and others. Do we really believe that God is pouring gifts on us, His beloved and that he is guiding our lives to bring us closer to Him? A spirit of thanksgiving can help us all to begin seeing and believing this is true.

Let us try to look for the good in others, in ourselves and in all situations, striving to be forgiving and kindly. Our Lord recently showed me that if we concentrate on our own faults excessively, we will do the same with others. If we don’t love ourselves (in a healthy way) we won’t love others. We have all been given wonderful talents that can be shared. Like the Psalmist let us say more frequently to God, I thank you for the wonder of my being.

Those who are renewing their Commitment to the Novitiate of the Holy Family, those taking it for the first time and those making their intention, are opening themselves up, in a very special way, to a beautiful training under the care and direction of Jesus, Our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph. If we cooperate with the graces offered through the members of the Holy Family, they will help us to nurture and protect the life of Christ in ourselves and others and so grow more Christ like each day. This takes training, that training includes studying the Catholic Faith found in the Scriptures, the teachings of the Church, the Sacraments and the Catechism. I try to make sure I give time to one or more of these each day.

Saying the morning and evening prayer of the Church –the Divine Office – is part of the Commitment, and covers so much scripture, the seasons of the Church’s year and the lives of the saints, it is a great teaching aid. It is also recommended by the Church.

In renewing our Commitment to live the Novitiate of the Holy Family, taking it for the first time or making our intention to accept this training from heaven, we give the Holy Child Jesus a birthday gift that will delight him and the holy couple.

Things are difficult at the moment with regards attending Mass, but the live TV Mass is a great help. There also available on TV is the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, useful for your study time. There are many good Catholic teaching and study programmes on YouTube also.

Let us remember that the training we receive in the Novitiate of the Holy Family is from within the Royal Family of the King of Kings. Our Mother is the Queen of Heaven. Our protector and guardian is a descendent of the royal line of David. The royal court that is in attendance throughout our lives is the heavenly court of the angles and saints.

How much more care and help can we receive? All we have to do is to say yes to God and enter the safest place in the world, the Holy Family itself. Our efforts may often seem feeble but by taking little steps with fidelity, the member of the Holy Family will train and instruct us to become fitting members of the Royal Household of the King of Kings. We will be prepared to enter heaven triumphant in holy innocence.

May Our Blessed Lady give you her Motherly blessing, St. Joseph protect you and the Holy Child Jesus be your constant guide and companion.

Mother. Christmas 2020

 It is good to give thanks to the LORD,

to sing praise to your name, Most High, 

To proclaim your love at daybreak,

your faithfulness in the night,

For you make me jubilant, LORD, by your deeds;

at the works of your hands I shout for joy.

Based on Psalm 92