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Free download of textbooks Cybersecurity For Dummies

2021.01.10 22:34

Cybersecurity For Dummies by Joseph Steinberg

Free download of textbooks Cybersecurity For Dummies

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Free download of textbooks Cybersecurity For Dummies

Protect your business and family against cyber attacks Cybersecurity is the protection against the unauthorized or criminal use of electronic data and the practice of ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information. Being "cyber-secure" means that a person or organization has both protected itself against attacks by cyber criminals and other online scoundrels, and ensured that it has the ability to recover if it is attacked. If keeping your business or your family safe from cybersecurity threats is on your to-do list, Cybersecurity For Dummies will introduce you to the basics of becoming cyber-secure! You’ll learn what threats exist, and how to identify, protect against, detect, and respond to these threats, as well as how to recover if you have been breached! The who and why of cybersecurity threats Basic cybersecurity concepts What to do to be cyber-secure Cybersecurity careers What to think about to stay cybersecure in the future Now is the time to identify vulnerabilities that may make you a victim of cyber-crime — and to defend yourself before it is too late.

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