yesmovies Free Online It [2017] Movie Site
- genres: Horror
- writer: Chase Palmer
- In the summer of 1989, a shape-shifting monster, Pennywise who disguises itself as a clown murdered Georgie. For the revenge of Georgie's murder, his brother, Bill teams up with some bullied kids to destroy that shape-shifting monster, which preys on the children of Derry
- liked it: 431260 votes
- Andy Muschietti
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3:58 The Last thing that cat owners see When they're about to Try to pet their cat. You can just tell from this scene Bill is traumatised and feels guilty for everyone thats died Nearly losing Richie Put him on the edge hence to why He flipped out on Eddie Whos already scared Shitless and was probably thinking Bill was gonna hurt him Pennywise woulda been the cause of Bill and Eddie falling out. Poor Georgie r.i.p Georgie 😭. When a kid doesnt fear anything Pennywise: ITS FOOKING RAW.
The projecter scene made my soul jump out 😭 so did Georgies death scene 😭
Still one of the best trailers ever made. The 2017 Pennywise is scary. But for me, nothing can give me nightmare the same as 1990 Pennywise. For using so many words, the information content of the narration is astoninglishly low. Hey mom, can we get pet spiders? We have pet spiders at home The spiders at home. This second one felt way more comedic and cartoony? than the first one, it didn't really work for me... Moral of the story: dont play with your food like pennywise did or youll wind up dead. The popcorn part is pretty funny. Bill Skarsgard did a good job at Pennywise's voice.
0:19 Pennywise: The hogwart's Ghost.
2:16 when someone hears you open a bag of chips.
All of this wouldve never happened if Georgie never hit the sign by accident.
Georgie's death was the most brutal to me... poor innocent baby.
Whos watching this in qwarintine.
First of all, is there anyone out there who is not sick to death of remakes? Seriously. Can you take it? And what excuses do they have for making these remakes? That they can tell the story in a better or more creative way? Has any remake ever accomplished that? Of course not.
This film has no respect for the original, and it doesn't understand (or try to understand) what the film is about. You see, the original film was about friendship, about confronting fear, about the power of faith, and about a really creepy presence menacing the kids. This film just has a silly monster doing silly things, but there is no real purpose to it. The monster doesn't seem to know what it wants, and the kids look like they are just puppets for the monster to abuse. They never become the likable characters from the original, that become true friends and struggle to overcome their weaknesses and fears. Thus, in the remake, all we have is a bunch of kids being scared at random by a CGI monster. The film seems to wish to compensate for lack of substance by turning the violence up. In the original, the fat kid is threatened with a knife, but not actually cut. Here he does get cut, and the rock throwing episode is a real war, with people getting seriously hurt. Likewise, the scenes with 'it' are protracted, yet pointless. You see, the monster in the original film had a clear sense of purpose, and the confrontations with it were not so much about action, but the meaning behind it. This film has no meaning, but it has lots of silly action that really bored me from beginning to end. Another thing is that this film hates to leave anything to imagination. Thus, little Georgie not only gets his arm bit off, but we have to see it in detail, then watch the kid crawl around, without his arm. Again: the film fails to generate sympathy and meaning, and treats us to nothing but gore. Why? Why would anyone make such a nasty film about kids, and even make it a remake of a wonderful film? This is bad film making, the kind that makes you want to throw up. The people who made this have no artistic ambition, and they are utterly cynical.
Ironically, they do reflect the soulless, nihilist age we live in, in which there is no truth or beauty, and nothing to fight and die for. The courage the kids muster at the end of the film won't do them any good in this world, because they will have nothing of any value to fight and sacrifice for. Value no longer exists. Only search for pleasure. And that kills the soul. Just as this film killed everything good about the original.
11 year old me watching the movie and LAUGHING my head OFF😂😂😂. IT (2017) Pennywise is 10/10 creepy, not scary IT (1990) Pennywise is 10/10 creepy, not scary Both: Still creepy, not scary. The scary part of this scene is George's scream. 3:11 imagine when pennywise is just looking at Georgie then Georgie just sneezes in his face and you see pennywise let down a single tear drop XD. You should'v seen the face of my little brother when he saw the movies like... 😆😂😂.
Me when I see Stanley‘s spider head chasing Richie: Ight ima move to another planet. Penny: want your boat George? georgie: no thanks I'll make another one. I feel like the only times that the balloons will turn red if they have a big surprise of gore or for a warning. According to this version of IT. Remember this started because of a single boat. I. come)with color for Christmas my mom: 5:01 My father: 5:40 Mouse: 5:59 Cat: 6:04 YouTube: 6:07 weather: 6:10 Brother: 6:14 Me: leaving 6:17. I found Beverly's father scarier than Pennywise. I really couldn't get scared in IT chapter 2 his forehead always making me laugh. People say the newer version is scarier, I couldn't disagree more. They didn't know the fear of watching this back in 1990.