Ameba Ownd


confusing power grid

Fajar amail (INDONESIA)

2021.01.12 08:32

Artist Statment

Fajar Amail works is a wayo imagination through time,to see a lofthe existing perspectives as new possibilities.For the time being he is deeply interested in Science Fiction and links it to own myths as a local popular culture.He though seeing the pastand reconstructing the future's imagination was a prety funthing.

Profile :

Fajar Amali M. was born in 1992 in Surabaya, Indonesia. Fajar currently lives and works in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He droped out from Hassan II Universite, Casablanca, Morocco, North African. Now he studied in Indonesian Art Institute Yogyakarta, Indonesia. His work mainly is a painting and Mix Media.



“Trough The Seconds, Green Grass, and Possibilities” at Artotel Yogyakarta “Re/Neo” at Helutrans Artspace, Yogyakarta


“BAGIAN” at Helutrans Artspace, Yogyakarta


“APIK“ at Galeri R.J Katamsi ISI Yogyakarta.


“AKSI ARTSY“ as Angkatan 2014 Collective, at Galeri R.J Katamsi Yogyakarta. “LUKIS LANJUT #2“ at Fine Art Building, FSR ISI Yogyakarta.


“Art Charity For Pidie Aceh” at Langit Art Space, Yogyakarta. “ALL ETNO “ di Galeri Besar ISI Surakarta, Jawa Tengah. “LUKIS MADYA #2“ at Fine Art Building, FSR ISI Yogyakarta “LUKIS MADYA #1“ at Fine Art Building, FSR ISI Yogyakarta


“POTRET PEREMPUAN JOGJA“ at Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta. “DISLEKSIA“ at Jogja Nasional Museum, Yogyakarta. “ARTIVITAS“ at Taman Budaya Surakarta, Jawa Tengah. “RAMBUT PUTIH“ at Tahun Mas Gallery, Yogyakarta.

“SENI LUKIS DASAR #3“ at Fine Art Building, FSR ISI Yogyakarta. “SENI LUKIS DASAR #2“ at Fine Art Building, FSR ISI Yogyakarta.


“SAMPAH PEMUDA“ at Galeri R.J Katamsi ISI Yogyakarta.

“SENI LUKIS DASAR #1“ at Fine Art Building, FSR ISI Yogyakarta. “BANGKU SEKOLAH“ at Ex Warsssttt Café, Yogyakarta.