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hotstar Free Movie Bill & Ted Face the Music Download Website Without Registration

2021.01.13 11:36

Resume - Bill & Ted Face the Music is a movie starring Keanu Reeves, Alex Winter, and Samara Weaving. Once told they'd save the universe during a time-traveling adventure, 2 would-be rockers from San Dimas, California find themselves as

Genres - Comedy

Samara Weaving, Brigette Lundy-Paine

country - USA, Italy

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I'm so glad they made a sequel. Thank God it's not some soulless, emotionless remake that Hollywood nowadays has a big habit of doing. Alex Winter is awesome once again as Bill and Keanu Reeves is still amazing as Ted. Bill & Ted Face the Music is one of those movies that you might wanna try out since theaters are reopening (around my area, of course. If you liked the other Bill & Ted movies, then this movie will not disappoint. Since it's my first time in a while going back to the movie theaters, this one is definitely worth a watch, especially Tenet.

It was indeed a female reboot as other folks say, and the "song" was AWFUL. They also went overboard with the SJW stuff because Bill and Ted were obsessed with Eddie Van his daughters go and find Jimmy Hendrix to be in the wasn't even from the right then they go and get Louis Armstrong to attract then they go to North Africa back in the stone age to get "the worlds greatest drummer." it's SO SHOEHORNED IN IT'S CRINGY. The whole film is horribly written as well, the plot makes NO SENSE. If it was as simple as "are lives suck now, we need to steal a song from ourselves, and need the future folk's help, and they wrote awesome scenes and set pieces to go with this, great. But no, they also forced in this dumb plot of "the world is unravelling world will be destroyed if you don't make the song."

The daughters are conceived and written by a four year old. It was written by committee, must have been. You see a lot more of their AWFUL characterization and terrible acting than Bill and Ted. Did I mention the "song" and the rest of the film's music in general was awful? It was a desperate, bleak attempt to cash in on a franchise with SJW's writing and directing by committee. WAS REALLY BAD.


Okay so as i purchased a ticket for this movie i wasnt expecting much but was thrilled with the outcome the most laugh out loud funny movie of the year everything was funny from plot to characters and i adored the fact that it was so sweet good family film too.
