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Free audiobook downloads free Large-Scale C++ Volume I: Process and Architecture

2021.01.16 02:31

Large-Scale C++ Volume I: Process and Architecture by John Lakos

Free audiobook downloads free Large-Scale C++ Volume I: Process and Architecture

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Free audiobook downloads free Large-Scale C++ Volume I: Process and Architecture


Designing scalable software in C++ requires more than just a sound understanding of the logical design issues covered in most C++ programming books. To succeed, senior developers, architects, and project leaders need a grasp of high-level physical design concepts with which even expert software developers have little or no experience. This concise, approachable guide takes a practitioner's view of large-scale software development, while providing all the information you need to quickly apply architectural-level physical design concepts in your everyday work. All content is presented in self-contained modules that make it easy to find what you need -- and use it. John Lakos presents crucial new material on runtime dependencies and other architectural issues, as well as realistic small examples that add value by illuminating broad and deep issues in large-scale C++ application design.

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