Ameba Ownd



イタリアンモザイク作家 Luca barberini

2021.01.23 04:31



He graduated from the Istituto Statale d'Arte Gino Severini in 1999 and continued his studies with practical experience and eventually founded Koko Mosaico alongside Arianna Gallo. Despite the laboratory having the opportunity to collaborate with artists such as Domingo Zapata, Ale Giorgini, Gianluca Costantini and Valerio Adami, it was an exploration of a personal pictorial universe that lead him to push the limits of the mosaic technique on his journey to develop a unique artistic approach.

1999年、ジーノ・セヴェリーニ国立美術学校を卒業。実地経験を通して研鑽を積んだのち、アリアンナ・ガッロとココ・モザイコを設立。ドミンゴ・ザパタ、アレ・ジョルジーニ、 ジャンルカ・コンスタンティーニ、ヴァレリオ・アダミとコラボレーションをする機会を得る。


An icon of his style, Folla was bought by the Museo d'Arte della Città di Ravenna in 2011.

The Ravenna museum also featured him in 2014 as an exhibitor in the collective show Eccentrico Musivo and again in 2015 when he won the GaeM – Giovani Artisti e Mosaico (Young Artists and Mosaic) award. In recent years he has presented works in both collective and private shows in national and international contexts including places like Bologna, Mantova Rome, Venice, Paray le Monial, Frankfurt/ Słubice, Dallas, Taipei and Yokohama. Among his most recent artworks Tsunami 00 was chosen as the main image of the XI edition of TEDxLakeComo. Among his most relevant exhibits is artist's residence at NeoHouse of Tokyo in 2019, Clorofilla, a personal show at Palazzo del Monte di Pietà in Forlì, Italy in 2018 and a historically important collective exhibit called Fato e Destino. Tra mito e Contemporaneità, at the Palazzo Ducale in Mantova. In 2017, Particle was a private exhibit at the Magazzeno Art Gallery in Ravenna. In 2015 he participated in an artist's residency for an international symposium on mosaic art through the Egyptian Academy of Rome as well as his own private show at the niArt Gallery in Ravenna with Storie di cittadini al di sopra di ogni sospetto.


2011 ラヴェンナ市立美術館が彼のアイコン的な作品である「Folla(群衆)」を購入

2014 グループ展「Eccentrico Musivo」(ラヴェンナ市立美術館)

2015 グループ展(ラヴェンナ市立美術館)

Giovani Artisti e Mosaico Awardを受賞

2015 ローマのエジプシャン・アカデミーを介し、国際モザイクアートシンポジウムの


2015 個展「Storie Di Cittadini Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto」

(ラヴェンナ niArtギャラリー)

2017 個展「Particle」(ラヴェンナ マガッツェーノ・アートギャラリー)

2018 個展「Clorofilla」(フォルリ モンテ・ディ・ピエタ宮殿) 

2018 グループ展「Fato e Destino」(マントヴァ ドゥカーレ宮殿) 

2019 TEDx LakeComo XI editionのメインデザインとして「Tsunami 00」が選出される

2019 NeoHouse of Tokyoにてアーティスト・イン・レジデンスに参加

