Earth Wind Wave

INTEL UPDATES 01 24 2021

2021.01.24 16:41

Latest INTEL Updates 01.24.2021

"By an Executive Order signed by President Trump on July 4 2020 Freedom Day was set for Jan 31 2021.

Q Checkmate: As a result of foreign intervention in the 2020 Election we were in a state of Martial Law with the Military responsible to restore a legitimate civilian government.

There were 4,000 National Guardsmen federalized into US Marshals to make arrests at the US Capitol on approximately 68% of the House, and a few in the Senate over this weekend.

Some indictments contained charges of treason, while a majority faced involvement in an international child exploitation ring run by the Vatican and used as blackmail. Rumor was it was a catch and release, with their Military Tribunals eventually made public. FULL DISCLOSURE

On Wed Jan 20, 2021 Rudy Giuliani: 

The American people were at best virtual participants in today’s inaugural. It was purely a staged event.


Nancy Pelosi has been arrested

Biden Executive Orders not in Federal Register, nor on US Treasury page

In 2008 Biden signs with his right hand, in 2021 Biden signs with his left hand

1996 Castle Rock Movie Set: Parking lot behind Biden, Picture, wallpaper different

No flag on White House means under military jurisdiction

Donald Trump is bringing troops home from foreign soil and gradually bringing about World peace. (•ө•)♡

Dr. V Lee

via Telegram
