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m4ufree Joker 2019 Google Drive Mp4

2021.01.26 14:00

772489 Vote
Writed by Jerry Robinson
release date 2019
story Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks -- the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's part of the world around him. Isolated, bullied and disregarded by society, Fleck begins a slow descent into madness as he transforms into the criminal mastermind known as the Joker
casts Zazie Beetz

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I saw some critics and I don't get them. Do they know what movies are about ? They just take shortcut, have no clue about societal issues and how assassins and dictators rise. Most of them focus on how the movie tries to make you empathic with psychopaths; it does not and the 4th murder confirms this. It just tells us that society makes us good or bad and than humans are complex and fragile. So ignore these joker of a critic. HES SO HOT WHAT- 🥵🥵. Me thinking of a dirty joke: Laughs Parents: What's so funny? Me. you wouldn't get it... Why are these all labeled as COMPLETE STORY when it's issue 1 of 3.

There are riots out there, two policemen are in serious condition and you're laughing Well this is awkward now... I actually paid for and read the book. Best part You never miss... Arthur: I hav- a condition. Guy: what condition? Arthur: you wouldnt get it. It's been a while since a real and good movie was released. The last 2-3 years were a succession of 'so so' movies with no depth, PC ones and of course 200 millions budget Avengers and others garbage fest(the 1st iron man and avengers were decent. I LOVE YOU RIZXSTARR ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😘❤️♥️. Whelp considering those 3 vics, and the 3 bats. This is gonna end with the Jokers becoming the Bats. or well bats becmoing joker. But meaning the Joker's death takes over their killer. They've wanted to 'be' batman for a while, trying to make batman kill him/them. But due to Batman and the various deaths/undeaths with Joker. there ended up being multiple jokers at once. Which hadn't happened before to Jokers. So They want Batman to kill all 3 at the same time. TO make one true joker but they want it to be done with Bats killing Jason/Babs and Joker all at the same time to pull it off.

6:21 even in this little scene where he's kinda just walking, the characterization is so perfect. save some talent for the rest of us, mr. Pheonix o.o. If Arthur had died, no one will shed a tear for him. When the three men died, society forces them to mourn and said they were great people, when they werent. What a strange place we live in.


2:26 Massive goosebumps when i saw this in theatres. They need you right now but when they dont, they'll cast you out Joker just described my past friendships with people wow. My life is nothing but a comedy This is me. So the court killed Gordon via Talon Batman fakes his death to avenge Gordons death but he gets captured himself and gets brainwashed by the court he becomes a version of Owlman the bat family tends to save Bruce once they realize hes alive but what dont know is that they made him a brainwashed slave until towards the end of the story I hope Catwoman helps them in some way due to her feelings of Bruce. If this version of Hush could help the court for his own reasons If Ras is in the game Taila could be a key character and help the gang along with Catwoman I bet they fight or have a argument in a cutscenes lol what if Alan Wayne is Talon or Thomas Wayne if Batman was playable we could have a fight between Bruce and his Dad who is revived by the court and a undead Talon it would be a very emotional fight Bruce having to end his dads suffering that the court caused So we have 5 people who could be the Talon 2. Alan Wayne - Bruces great great grandfather 3. Thomas Wayne - Bruces father And 4. Gordon - Bruces second father figure and lastly Bruces brother Thomas Wayne Jr. that was owlman in the court of Owls 52 run.

This is a toxic fan-base, incel movie! Don't watch it. CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post. Start of movie: Arther beating in the ally. End of Movie: Bruce Waynes parents killed in an ally. By far and beyond the best movie of the woke era... Joker is a real movie, entertaining, making you think, and of course creating a wide range of emotions: disgust, fear, empathy, angriness, joy, sadness. I doubt that Phillips voluntarily implanted all these concepts but rather try to describe a story that is real in a sense and so it is relatable. It's funny how the Joker had told that lie on where they're at. He wanted batman to save Dent instead of Rachel to complete Dent's journey to become the villain. I have all the words memorized in my mind at this point. should i be concerned.

1:00 whitch muslim xD.


OMG, they brought back Gaggy! I hope they make great use of him! few seconds later DC, WTF.