Tokyo Coffee Festival #1

2016.09.26 14:51

In recent years, open space in front of the UN University in Aoyama (Tokyo) has been a nice gathering place for some people. That's the place where the Farmer's Market @ UNU is held on weekends, but you don't have to be an organic food lover to enjoy its festive & relaxing vibe there. Just get a cup of coffee or tea, & try some food from food trucks.

As its shop selection constantly changes, there's always something new to try from new honey flavors to mysterious-looking vegetables. 

However, what boosted additional foot traffic to the regular event last weekend was Tokyo Coffee Festival 2016 Autumn, which featured dozens of coffee shops & roasters from all over Japan & even some from overseas.

You can get 5 small cups for tasting @ ¥1000. This was really good for a moderate coffee drinker like me. (though I felt a bit sick afterword...)

Despite my minimum knowledge about coffee, it was really enjoyable to see their artisanal work & talk to those taking pride in what they're doing. 

Let me report the details in the next post. 

To be continued

Posted by 3e-Tokyo