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Download a book to my iphone The Day the Sun Died (English literature) by Yan Lianke, Carlos Rojas

2021.01.29 22:44

The Day the Sun Died by Yan Lianke, Carlos Rojas

Download a book to my iphone The Day the Sun Died (English literature) by Yan Lianke, Carlos Rojas

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Download a book to my iphone The Day the Sun Died (English literature) by Yan Lianke, Carlos Rojas

Yan Lianke has secured his place as contemporary China’s most essential and daring novelist, “with his superlative gifts for storytelling and penetrating eye for truth” ( New York Times Book Review ). His newest novel, The Day the Sun Died —winner of the Dream of the Red Chamber Award, one of the most prestigious honors for Chinese-language novels—is a haunting story of a town caught in a waking nightmare. In a little village nestled in the Balou mountains, fourteen-year-old Li Niannian and his parents run a funeral parlor. One evening, he notices a strange occurrence. Instead of preparing for bed, more and more neighbors appear in the streets and fields, carrying on with their daily business as if the sun hadn’t already set. Li Niannian watches, mystified. As hundreds of residents are found dreamwalking, they act out the desires they’ve suppressed during waking hours. Before long, the community devolves into chaos, and it’s up to Li Niannian and his parents to save the town before sunrise. Set over the course of one increasingly bizarre night, The Day the Sun Died is a propulsive, darkly sinister tale from a world-class writer.

In "The Day the Sun Died," Violent Sleepwalkers Terrorize a Town
In Yan Lianke's The Day the Sun Died, recently translated into English by Carlos Rojas (who also generously translated this interview), a young  The Day The Sun Died Yan Lianke - Literature -
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[PDF] Download The Day the Sun Died by Yan Lianke Ebook | READ ONLINE Read Online  'The Day the Sun Died' is a social comedy that - Washington Post
Yan's latest novel to be translated into English is a poetic nightmare called “The Day the Sun Died.” It's the creepiest book I've read in years: a  'The Day the Sun Died' is a social comedy that bleeds like a zombie
Yan Lianke's mordant novels are effectively banned in China, and his vision of social decay and commercial exploitation is so relevant to life in  Yan Lianke Illuminates Contemporary China - Paris Review
Like many of his works, Yan Lianke's 'The Day the Sun Died' focuses on the dark side of modern China's rapid development. The Day the Sun Died eBook: Yan Lianke, Carlos Rojas:
His newest novel, The Day the Sun Died—winner of the Dream of the Red Chamber Award, one of the most prestigious honors for Chinese-language novels—is 

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