solarmovie The Karate Kid (1984) HD Full Watch Online Free
directors John G. Avildsen
Pat Morita, Ralph Macchio
Rating 7,9 / 10 stars
writers Robert Mark Kamen
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Pat Heely (Matt Dillon) says it all in that line from "There's Something About Mary." This film really set the tone for further competition movies, and its spawning of sequels (three in all! were never as successful, two were just plain dumb. This one is good though, it carries a nice message and is just easy to watch.
4 out of 5.
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His is cheesy and sentimental but in an 80s way so that makes it special. This is the difference between the 80s and today- there was a sense of charm in the way films were made. They made the product more endearing and special. Something today's films with their over the top budgets and effects cannot manage. Ralph Macchio, Elizabeth Shue and Pat Morita star in this film and make something special of it. If you haven't seen it before you owe it to yourself to see it. The Karate kid hungry. The Karate kidman. The karate kid songs download.
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