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Download textbooks for free online Six Concepts for the End of the World by Steve Beard ePub PDB

2021.01.31 04:50

Six Concepts for the End of the World by Steve Beard

Download textbooks for free online Six Concepts for the End of the World by Steve Beard ePub PDB

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Download Six Concepts for the End of the World

Download textbooks for free online Six Concepts for the End of the World by Steve Beard ePub PDB

A navigational aid to the apocalypse. Steve Beard's Six Concepts for the End of the World mixes scientific research with experimental fiction to produce a manual for the apocalypse. The author examines six disciplines—technology, sociology, geography, psychology, theology and narratology—and for each one creates a fictional scenario that both reflects and energizes the research, all under the guiding light of the philosopher Paul Virilio's theories. This approach allows Beard to create one surprising idea after another: Hollywood viewed as a research and development lab for the end times, a first-person account of a UFO abduction, a blog on the disappearance of the Malaysian Airlines flight 370, a voice-over for an imaginary film by a doomsday cult member. Highly original in both form and content, the book surprises and delights in its scope. The approach is multidisciplinary and multidirectional, and Beard's exploration ranges over many areas and themes, always bringing distinctive insights to bear. Six Concepts for the End of the World is an expertly guided tour through the author's imagination, and toward the end of the world.

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