Ameba Ownd




2021.02.10 13:45



 "THERE is no lack of variety in the questions that are put to Silver Birch for his spontaneous replies. Amongst a "mixed bag” of letters from different people with different problems this one was put to the beloved spirit teacher of our circle: “Is there forgiveness in the spirit world?”

 The answer was: "There is forgiveness in your world and my world, but forgiveness does not expiate wrongdoing. When a person who has committed a wrong reaches the stage of asking for forgiveness, it means that realisation has dawned. But if he asks for forgiveness and forgiveness is accorded him, that does not mean that the act of wrong that was committed has been expunged. It is purely cause and effect. The act cannot be expunged until that which was wrong is put right.”

 Then the guide was asked, “Do the loved ones who have gone into the spirit world always know what the people left on earth are thinking?"

 "If they are loved ones," came the reply, "that is, if there is love between them. I must try to be a little more explicit. The people who dwell in my world are not always eaves-dropping, but those who are bound by ties of love are still together, despite the incident of death. What your world does not understand is that those who are called dead are still there. It is not as if they are in another universe; it is all part of the same universe. All life is one life, but with millions of gradations. The unfortunate part is that the awareness that they are present is not realised by the people of your earth, but the ones who have died, as you call it, are close, just as close, and in many cases closer than they have ever been before.

 "Now, having transferred their expression of life from a material phase to a spiritual one, all the faculties of the spirit are the reality, and the attributes of the body are shadowy, so that to those who love you, your thoughts are more real than your words. But if there is no love, then there is no tie, there is no association, for on the spiritual plane love is the guiding principle."

 Then, because he had read that we who live on earth could be observed by people in the spirit world, a soldier in North Africa asked, in an airgraph letter, if we had no privacy.

 "You have privacy," was the guide’s reply. "There is no intrusion; there is no large number of Peeping Toms; but you are observed because those who love you are close to you. That does not mean that they would behave in a manner that was foreign to their own spiritual natures. They would not pry for reasons of prurient curiosity. You are observed because there is a spiritual bond between you and those who love you. They desire to share their lives with you; to taste common joys; to experience and help in the sharing of common sorrows. It is something of which you should be intensely glad, not sorry, for it means that always there is round and about you care and protection, the guidance, the love and affection of those who are close to you."

 "They would not pry in the spirit world any more than they would here," a member of the circle commented.

 "No," said Silver Birch. “In fact, less so, because in our world they are governed more by law than you are in yours.”

 A woman, whose husband had passed on, wanted to know: "When a person dies, what likeness do they retain? Could a husband be unrecognisable to a wife who passed on twenty or thirty years after? Could he progress so much that he was out of the orbit of his wife?"

 "You do not change your identity," said the guide. “You do not change your individuality; you do not change your consciousness. You grow in spiritual grace and stature, but you are the same individual that you were before—with your perceptions heightened, your faculties deepened. But, except for the disappearance of blemishes, defects and injuries, you are recognisable as you were on earth. You do not change your form, for all that is spiritual still requires a mode of manifesta-tion, a body, a vehicle, an instrument through which the spirit must register itself. And that has always existed, that finer, more rarefied, more delicate body, while you were on earth.

 "So that the question of recognition, in so far as adults is con-cerned, is not difficult. Where the problem does arise is in the case of children who have grown to maturity in the interval that has elapsed before reunion takes place.

 "Now the second half of the question is dependent on one factor only, and that is love. If there is love between people, no matter what their earthly relationship, that love persists, for death has no power to touch it. And wherever that love exists, there is no desire on the part of the one who has passed beyond the physical ken to leave behind the one on whom his love is centred. Where there is no love, then the tie of earth is severed; the attraction is not there."

 "I think,” said a member of the circle, "another point in this woman's question is that the husband was forty, and if she lived another thirty years and was an old woman before she passed, would there be any embarrassment there?"

 "Oh, no," was the reply. "The question of physical age operates for a very limited time in the spheres nearest your earth, but once the adjustments are made, it is spiritual expression that is the determining factor.”

 A question sent by somebody else was: “You say, 'The only bond between those who have passed over is love.' What is the position when A truly loves B, but A's love is not re-ciprocated by B, and they have both passed over? Is A separated from B because of this, or is he burdened, so to speak, by the nearness of A because of this rather one-sided, but sincere, attachment?”

 "That,” said the guide, "is a very good question, but the word 'love' is one of the most misused ones in your world. I hear them sometimes say, 'Oh, give my love to so and so,' whom they intensely loathe. And many others, perhaps carried away by infatuation, and let me be quite honest, by physical passion, think that the attraction is one of love.

 "First let us be clear: the real love is the love of selflessness; the love that seeks nothing for itself, and in its highest form embraces the whole of humanity. You are not an evolved soul until you can say, because you believe it, 'I love all man-kind.'

 "That is an ideal, and your world is a long way from it. But there is the love, the undeniable love, between man and woman who are complementary to one another, that is, they are two in form, but one in purpose—they harmonise, they are indeed, as your poet has expressed it, 'Two hearts that beat as one.' Now, where that love has found itself, there is never any separation. Those whom the natural law has joined by love can never be sundered in your world or in mine.

 "Where there is that love, and here I am afraid I am going to be controversial, it is always reciprocated. There are aspects of affection, devotion, the desire to serve, maternal instincts, which are believed to be love, but the real love, that only comes once to each man or woman, whether on earth or in the world of spirit, is always reciprocal. The problem does not arise, for in our world, in the fullness of time, each finds the half of its own being."

 A member of the circle asked, “ Are both people aware at the same time that it is a love that is reciprocated?"

 "Not necessarily on earth, but they are in the world of spirit," was the reply.

 "One of the two may know about it before the other," it was suggested to Silver Birch.

 He replied: “But the two halves instinctively, because they are two halves, must recognise one another. That does not happen in your world always because your

vision, as far as things of the spirit, is often blind.”

 "Physical things could stop it,” said somebody.

 "Yes, physical circumstance,” agreed Silver Birch, “but real love is so magnetic, is so overwhelming in its attraction, that it must find itself and claim itself, when once you have got rid of the imperfections of the earth which were the de-terrent, to recognition.”

 "Very few of us know the meaning of the world 'love," was a comment which was thus answered by the guide: “I do not claim to be very evolved, but you have never heard me condemn or deny any individual. That is part of the lesson which I seek to drive home, but, alas, I realise I am dealing with beings living in a physical world."

 Silver Birch was asked: "Are those who have passed on conscious of the thoughts and prayers we send them, and are they able to use the power of the love sent to them in their work?”

 "It depends," was the reply, "on the people concerned as to whether there is a kinship of love or affection between them; but very largely it is true that all sincere thought and prayer, all desire to be of any service gives it the wing of direc-tion towards the one to whom it is expressed and does help.”

 Another question was, “Will there always be another chance for everybody?"

 "Of course,” said Silver Birch. "If there were not a second chance, then the universe would not be ruled by divine love and justice. If the story of man ended with the earthly grave, the world of spirit, is always reciprocal. The problem does not arise, for in our world, in the fullness of time, each finds the half of its own being."

 A member of the circle asked, “Are both people aware at the same time that it is a love that is reciprocated?"

 "Not necessarily on earth, but they are in the world of spirit," was the reply.

 "One of the two may know about it before the other," it was suggested to Silver Birch.

 He replied: "But the two halves instinctively, because they are two halves, must recognise one another. That does not happen in your world always because your vision, as far as things of the spirit, is often blind.”

 "Physical things could stop it,” said somebody.

 "Yes, physical circumstance," agreed Silver Birch, “but real love is so magnetic, is so overwhelming in its attraction, that it must find itself and claim itself, when once you have got rid of the imperfections of the earth which were the de-terrent, to recognition.”

 "Very few of us know the meaning of the world 'love,'” was a comment which was thus answered by the guide: “I do not claim to be very evolved, but you have never heard me condemn or deny any individual. That is part of the lesson which I seek to drive home, but, alas, I realise I am dealing with beings living in a physical world."

 Silver Birch was asked: “Are those who have passed on conscious of the thoughts and prayers we send them, and are they able to use the power of the love sent to them in their work?”

 "It depends," was the reply, "on the people concerned as to whether there is a kinship of love or affection between them; but very largely it is true that all sincere thought and prayer, all desire to be of any service gives it the wing of direc-tion towards the one to whom it is expressed and does help.”

 Another question was, "Will there always be another chance for everybody?"

 "Of course," said Silver Birch. "If there were not a second chance, then the universe would not be ruled by divine love and justice. If the story of man ended with the earthly grave, then the world would be full of mistakes, full of people who have never had compensation or even retribution for the life they have lived.

 "The great glory of the knowledge we strive to bring to your world is that life does not end with death; that all who have suffered, that all who have failed, are provided with an opportunity of self-redemption; that the tears of frustration are wiped away in the knowledge of what can be achieved; that all who have desired to enrich their world and failed can add their lustre to mankind's growth.

 "Life goes on, and, in doing so, it provides everybody with another chance to express their innate gifts, the gifts that were denied a manifestation on earth; and, conversely, it provides the means of remedial discipline for those who have foolishly strutted and imagined that they had been able to escape the natural laws that ruled over all. There is no greater justice than divine justice. None cheats it; none thwarts it; all come within the realm of its ordinance. In that knowledge, the kindly and the decent have nothing to fear; it is only those who have been selfish who need be afraid."

 To the questions: “Is vivisection right or wrong? Can humanity benefit from this practice?" the spirit answer was:

 "I am opposed to the whole practice of experiments on animals. I see no justification for it whatsoever. Animals are placed in your guardianship and your care, and to some extent yours is the responsibility of helping their growth and their evolution. It is a poor recompense for love, devotion and fidelity to inflict pain upon a helpless creature.

 "The healing power in many forms of nature is there waiting for you to find it. The Great Spirit has provided all that is necessary without this interference with the animal creation. Those who work from my world, who are now regarded as having some skill in the alleviation of your diseases, and even curing when others have said that recovery is impossible, do not resort to vivisection. They use herbs of the fields; they use the rays of the spirit. These do not involve any cruelty to anybody. The universe is filled with a moral purpose. Immoral purpose is contrary to the law."

 A question put to Silver Birch from a visitor to the circle who had been a Christian Scientist, was, “How is Christian Science healing effected?”

 "It depends on the kind of healing that takes place,” said the guide. “It is effected by allowing, in some cases, the per-fection from within to find expression and to drive out the discord that has temporarily reigned. It is done by the latent, infinite spirit, with all its concomitant power, banishing the disease which has gained a mastery. That is one kind of healing. There is the other kind where the patient becomes so quiescent and receptive that he is accessible to spirit power, even though it is done by those who call themselves Christian Scientists."

 "And do they become unconscious psychics?" he was asked.

 "Yes," replied Silver Birch. “Of course, it does not matter what it is called as long as healing is achieved; but if you can get the patient and the healer in the right, receptive frame of mind, then they are accessible to spirit power."

 In reply to another question the guide said: “Remember this, to achieve progress the ideal must be in advance of the people. If you could immediately attain all that has to be attained, then progress would cease. It is a gradual unfoldment. You are a little in advance and you pay the price of it; but gradually as people become aware of themselves they will be ready for the next step. It has to be done gradually. One thing at a time and it is not so important if they do not achieve all things at once. As long as they are conscious of the need for progress, then it means that they are beginning to progress, for they are no longer blind."

 Silver Birch was asked to reply to an inquirer who wanted to know, "Is it wise for a sick person to receive both direct and absent healing?"

 "From the same healer?" asked the guide.

 "I would assume it means from different healers," was the reply.

 "No," said Silver Birch. "It is always unwise to confuse the vibrations. It is as easy to understand as if I say to you, 'Is it wise for you to go to two different doctors, each of whom does not know that he is treating the same patient and each of whom is giving different medicines in the hope of a cure?' Whereas no harm may befall the patient, it is conceivable that much damage could be done. There is nothing wrong in having any kind of treatment from a competent healer, be it direct or absent, but if you make your body subject to the vibrations of different healers, then you are only causing confusion, and, in many cases, merely nullifying what may help you."

 The next question was, "Are there people who will never be healed because of the law of karma?"

 The guide answered: “Yes, the natural law will always operate, for one day all must die. That is the supreme, overriding law of the universe which says that there is a limit to the purpose of the physical body. One day it must be discarded. The tragedy of it is that in so many cases it fails to fulfil what is its correct function and many, far too many, are ill-equipped to face the greater life which is their destiny.

 "You may obtain all kinds of healing for all kinds of illnesses that afflict you, but one day there will come a natural decay of the body, for it has reached the stage where its purpose has been served. Then, when mankind is truly evolved, it will drop away without pain, without disease, having fulfilled its purpose."

 "This question specially mentions the word ‘karma,'" Silver Birch was told.

 "These are only words,” explained the guide. . “ 'Karma,' if you like, I say "the law.' We all mean the same thing. Karma means the law of cause and effect as applied to successive in-carnations. I am trying to be as simple as I can.”

 "Can a sick person be a healer?” somebody asked.

 "Yes, why not?” replied Silver Birch. "The essence of a healer is that he, or she, shall be the means through whom the power of the spirit can function. In many cases he or she is suffering from some illness. That illness may to some extent impede the psychic faculties, and there are cases where it helps the psychic faculties.

 "The healer is one who is organically constituted to be able to express a certain kind of natural gift. The healer is born, not made. The gift may be close to the surface or very dormant. Where it is dormant, it requires unfoldment. But the essence is not that it is a power which turns inward, but a power which flows through the healer to reach others."

 Silver Birch will rarely discuss astrology, but once, a member of the circle said to him: "I have noticed some Spiritualists get astrology and Spiritualism confused in their minds. They think their life on this world is somewhat predetermined and controlled by the stars."

 "What is true," said the guide, “is that the whole of life is a series of vibrations, radiations and emanations, and that you are influenced by every part of the natural order of being. All these cause some influence on you, but none of them is so potent that it exercises a power which you cannot alter.

 "It is not true that your life is predestined because at the moment of physical birth some star was in the ascendant. All planets, all nature, everything in the universe, all beings have some effect on you. But you are the master of your soul: you have personal responsibility, and you fix your own destiny according to your spiritual progress. That is as I see it."

 "You do not think the star under which you were born affects your personality?" he was asked. The guide answered: "I think all of these planets have radiations which affect the physical body, and things which affect the physical body have some effect on the spirit; but the spirit is supreme; the spirit is pre-eminent, and there is no star or planet or constellation or galaxy which can prevent you from mastering all the physical influences which affect your body.

 "I mean that you are part of the Great Spirit, and because you are divine, because the power of creative life is within you, because you are a portion of that power which fashioned all life, you can rise triumphant over all that might hold your body in subjection. I am an influence on you; the people you meet are influences on you; the books you read are in-fluences on you; but they are influences, not overwhelming and overriding. Surely that is quite clear."

 There was some discussion on a question about life on other planets, and the difficulty of explaining things of which we know nothing, when a sitter commented: “And some people try to find questions that you cannot answer.”

 "I know,” said Silver Birch, “but I am not concerned with those. I am concerned with those who desire knowledge because their souls are hungry. Whether I am outwitted or not does not matter. But when I look into your world and see the millions, the poor, misdirected, misguided ones who yearn for some touch of certainty in a life filled with doubt, then I know that those are the ones that we must strive to reach all the time. And we are reaching them slowly and surely, changing the whole thought of your world and giving man wider horizons, removing the narrow boundaries from his mental vision."