APU Beppaper

復活!目指せ別府八湯温泉道名人 Vol.1

2016.10.10 10:14



In May, 2015. We, Beppaper Members, promised to become the Onsen Masters*.

 (Onsen Master・・・Those who took the baths in over 88 Beppu Onsens. Click the URL below to find out more)

 しかし、温泉名人企画はたったの2回で打ち切られ、名人どころかもはやそこら辺の観光客の方が温泉たくさん入ってるんじゃないの〜?って感じに。。。 そしてついに2016年7月某日、就活、休学から帰ってきた仲間との反省会において温泉道名人企画の話が再び浮上したのです。 

In fact, we stopped going to Onsens right after we started this project. It seems like the tourists knows more Onsens than us….. THEREFORE!!!! In July, 2016, We finally decided to try again to become the Onsen Masters since the main members came back from their job hunting and internship. 



"Let's become Onsen Masters in 3 days!!!!!"


 冷静になってよく考えてみると 3日間で88湯ってことは一日約30湯。。。色々な時間も考慮すると1つの温泉に入る事が許される時間は長くて5分。。500円温泉にいたっては1分100円!? 

88 onsens in 3 days??? = around 30 Onsens in 1 day,,,,,,,, After we calculated, we realized that we are allowed to take each bath for 5 mins the longest..... If we pay ¥500 for a Onsen,,,,, 1min=¥100?


"what everrrrr! WE ARE YOUNG!!! viva University life! YOLO!!!!"







One of the Beppaper member , Misaki dreamed about being Onsen Master and in her dream, the God told her that

"Mix all the 88 Onsens to make one magical Onsen, and your dream will come true......"

Okay God!! you are so true! if we make that magical onsen, people can be the onsen masters right away!!!!!!! 

 思い立ったら即行動! 温泉を集める許可を頂くために別府市役所温泉課に向かいました。 そもそも市役所に温泉課が存在するというのもさすが別府市。市営温泉の運営や温泉のPR活動などをされているとのこと。 今回の企画の趣旨を説明させていただくとなんと対応して下さった方がAPUの卒業生!快く温泉を集めることを承認して下さり、各温泉に連絡もしていただきました! 

Be active!!! think later!!!! We went to the Beppu City Hall to get the permission to bering Onsen water back home. Did you guys know Beppu City Hall has the Onsen Department??? They are managing some of the Onsens in Beppu and advertising Beppu Onsen to other places. Surprisingly, they were kindly allowed us to bring the Onsen water back home!



We already talked to the City Hall….. We cannot quite……. 



 To be continued……….